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這個問題可能很多人都遇到, 所以我解釋清楚一點
I see people driving and taking on the phone everday! Do police should do something about it ? Or just because most of these people are mid-class of the society and politicions? Frankly I only saw a white policeman shouting at a Chinese young man because he was on the phone while driving.
回:目前沒有法律禁止邊開車班打手機, 致於你說的情形我只能說一顆老鼠屎壞了一鍋粥
以車禍統計來看, 洋人華人車禍的數量差不多, 但是華人比較顯眼所以普遍印象是華人比較不會開車
以我每天處理的流量來看, 洋人超速多, 華人無照駕駛多
(這邊補充一下, 以人口數來說華人車禍率是比較高的, 在奧克蘭華人大概佔20%但是車禍率大概是35-40%)
so i heard from news, police can only give 50 dollars fine for driving with phone call, bt hw my friend got sued to court of careless driving by a phone call while driving? most europeans and maori even islanders they just got warning from the same thing. is dat fair, SIR?
回:這條法律根本還沒通過, 不知道是哪個媒體播報的? 目前警察沒權因你邊開車邊用電話給你罰單
還有你朋友是不是出車禍, 如果好好開車被告Careless我去替你查, 不可能無緣無故就告你朋友.
careless driving是如果你造成車禍基本上就一定會有的罪名, 原因很簡單打電話沒專心或其他理由不小心開車所以不小心造成車禍, 這樣被告有甚麼不對嗎?
sad...dats why i got a bluetooth while im driving...if im kiwi i dont even need to worry about this, i can argue with cops, bt im from overseas, they can and they always use one sentense to answer my questions which is "this is NEW ZEALAND law"
回:客觀點 不要看甚麼就附和, 以我開罰單的量來說洋人佔八成, 洋人很少有爭議的或是覺得我不公平的, 反過來講為什麼華人就覺得洋人警察都歧視你呢?
PS. $300块我交了。那警察不是问我哪里学的开车吗 -- NEW ZEALAND!!! 操xxx种族歧视 (那个鸟人一口伦敦腔,臭屁的要死)
回: 你應該說在英國學的因為他是英國人, 不是視而不見 是看到也不能幹甚麼, 因為根本開車禁止打手機這條法律就還沒通過
thx mate, im not talking abwt being away from the response, im talking abwt FAIR, as same situation on a kiwi and an Asian young guy, the 60 percent chance we got more unfair result. think abwt dat and read my post carefully.
r u a senior chager of cops and doing the spy job around us?
回: 就像我之前說的, 華人覺得洋人警察不公平但是真的事不公平嗎?你看到警察攔洋人車開罰單你會記得嗎?還是只記得又一個華人被歧視所以被攔車開罰單?? 客觀點 60%unfair result?? 怎麼來的? 我常遇到攔下華人, 司機就覺得因為我也是華人就不應該開他罰單就算他有錯.......都是公平的....
不想筆戰, 還有問題回信箱
ps. 紐西蘭還沒有華人高層.也不會做這種事
[ 本帖最后由 policemen 于 2009-8-1 10:30 编辑 ] |