2080| 40
[生活] 牵强融入 |
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Do not wait to be taught rather take the opportunity to learn
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Do not wait to be taught rather take the opportunity to learn
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Do not wait to be taught rather take the opportunity to learn
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Do not wait to be taught rather take the opportunity to learn
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Do not wait to be taught rather take the opportunity to learn
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Do not wait to be taught rather take the opportunity to learn
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Do not wait to be taught rather take the opportunity to learn
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Do not wait to be taught rather take the opportunity to learn
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但行好事 莫问前程
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Do not wait to be taught rather take the opportunity to learn
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Do not wait to be taught rather take the opportunity to learn
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Do not wait to be taught rather take the opportunity to learn
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提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
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Do not wait to be taught rather take the opportunity to learn
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