Ministry of Health director-general Dr Ashley Bloomfield told a media conference today all GP clinics now had the equipment. But New Zealand Medical Association GP Committee Chair Dr Jan White told Newshub her clinic had not seen any supplies from either the DHB or the Ministry of Health. She says her team had to source their own safety gear and said some DHBs were charging doctors for the equipment. "I think it's absolutely unacceptable and I think I would go as far as to say it's unethical in the situation that we're in for a DHB to charge general practice for gear to protect themselves, their staff and their patients," Dr White told Newshub. A spokesperson for the Ministry of Health said it had an extra 18 million masks as part of what it called a "strategic national reserve supply". The Ministry said supporting GPs, and ensuring they had PPE, was its "number one priority". But Dr White disputes this. She said she's had "no information" about when practices can expect extra supplies. She said it was frustrating and GPs felt "out of the loop". Newshub spoke to two other GP clinics today, who were also critical of the Ministry of Health’s response and communication. Neither had enough equipment and when they asked for more, they were told they'd have to wait for extra as it was on backorder. 国家党应该出来报道一下,他们下台前,那个所谓的战备口罩有多少个?如果没有储存,工党能为仆先知2年前就储备了1800万个口罩?3-4倍人口的数量的口罩!??!?!?