本帖最后由 匿名 于 2020-3-2 18:43 编辑
Two people in New Zealand are "close to a suspected case" of coronavirus. Dr Ashley Bloomfield announced on Monday that the two people fulfil the travel criteria and have symptoms consistent with COVID-19. Results for the tests are expected either on Monday evening or Tuesday, according to Bloomfield. He said the two cases are separate to the two people isolated in Nelson.
这二人不是NELSON的那二位,他们有旅游史,症状非常类似。 检测结果要晚点或明天出来!!!!!!! Dr Ashley Bloomfield 新闻发布会脸都变了,大家注意观察他的态度和脸部表情。
我感觉他们的测试标准就是必须有TRAVEL HISTORY,否则是不给测试。为什么,那表明社区传播早已开始,这证明他们之前的PROCEDURE都是错的,感觉这个是政治上的考虑!