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[非商业信息分享] 2月志愿者活动机会 [复制链接]

Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14Rank: 14

升级  57.5%

发表于 2020-2-13 09:44:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 微信分享

Sport Auckland’s ActivAsian brings you wonderful volunteering opportunities in Central Auckland. This month we are excited to share the following opportunities with you.  You will receive a volunteer certificate, high quality leadership training, attend sports and physical activities for free by early December if you have volunteered in 6 or more volunteering opportunities.


All we need is your good attitude, good teamwork, be punctual and communicate with us promptly. We welcome everyone who meets the above criteria and are 16 years and above.


If you just arrived in New Zealand from China please remain at home for 14 days and do not participate in the activities. If you start to experience mild symptoms, then stay at home and call Healthline for advice: 0800 611 116. Interpreters are available on request. If you start to experience more severe symptoms arrange to see a doctor urgently. Call ahead and mention your travel history. Difficulty breathing requires immediate medical attention and can be a sign of pneumonia.


Volunteering Opportunity #1 Beach Volleyball

志愿者活动1  沙滩排球

The exciting Auckland Beach Volleyball Championship is coming up in the picturesque Mission Bay.  Auckland Central Volleyball Club is looking for volunteers to assist with their competitive events from February to April.  In 2018, our friendly volunteersdevoted their time and made a huge contribution to the championship.  The events wouldn’t be successful without their support.  If you love volleyball or simply want to contribute to the community, please check out details below.

激动人心的奥克兰沙滩排球竞标赛将于风景如画的Mission Bay海滩举办。奥克兰中区排球俱乐部需要志愿者在2月-4月协助其赛事。2018年,我们的友善志愿者为排球赛事奉献了宝贵的个人时间,对锦标赛做出很大贡献。如果您热爱排球或者希望为社区贡献力量,请查看下面的信息。

You are welcome tochoose one or more of the shifts below or come for only half of the day. 您可以选择以下工作日中的某个半天,某一天或者某几天。

• Shift Sat 15 Feb 2020,7:30am–6:00pm

• Shift Sat 29 Feb 2020,7:30am–6:00pm

• Shift Sat 14 Mar 2020,7:30am–6:00pm

• Shift Sat 28 Mar 2020,7:30am–6:00pm

• Shift Sat 18 Apr 2020,7:30am–6:00pm

Here's a summary of roles & estimated times required.  


7:30 - 8 A.M. - meet at Parnell National Mini-Storage to help load up gear. (You will need transportation or car pool with your friends to go to Mission bay beach fromParnell National Mini-Storage or you could skip this session and meet the restof the team at Mission Bay Beach)

上午7:30 – 8点– 在Parnell National Mini-Storage集合,往车上装载运动器材。(你需要自己开车或和朋友拼车由此地前往Mission Bay海滩,或者你可以跳过此环节,于8:15直接到达Mission Bay)

8:15 - 9:30 A.M. -set up at Mission Bay beach - collect & set up marquee & volleyball nets/courts, signage & banners, raking sand

8:15-9:30 在Mission Bay海滩搭建比赛场地帐篷,收集器材,组装排球网,排球场地,横幅,归整沙土

9 - 9:30 A.M. -checking in teams and handing out entry packs (singlets, bananas, etc)

9-9:30 协助团队签到,发放入场套装(如背心,香蕉等)

9:30 A.M. - 5 P.M. -raking courts, score keeping, collecting rubbish


Noon - collect lunchfrom Sal's across the street


5 - 6 P.M. - takedown & pack up marquee and gear, return to storage

下午5-6点收好帐篷,器材,返回Parnell National Mini-Storage

To register yourinterest as a volunteer


Step 1 fill in thefrom via this link https://forms.gle/H4oD5LJXLnMZs3Jp6


Step 2 send an emailto Jessica from Auckland Central Volleyball Club (email: aucklandcentralvolleyballclub@gmail.com)with your full name + phone number + Event Date you’d like to volunteer to. Further details will be sent to you closer to the events.

第二步,给Jessica发邮件(邮箱: aucklandcentralvolleyballclub@gmail.com),邮件写明你的全名+电话+你想参与的活动日期。我们会在活动前发邮件联系你。

Volunteering Opportunity # 2 Girls & Women’s Week Fun Day (Football) 志愿者活动2 女性快乐足球日

Funfootball at Keith Hay Park to celebrate New Zealand Football's Girls and Women's week featuring Football Ferns Katie Duncan and Steph Skilton. This is ajoint event held by Onehunga Sports, Three Kings United and the Joint Venture Auckland United FC. Come along and have some fun!! You are welcome to join usboth as a participant and a volunteer.

2月22日我们在Keith HayPark庆祝新西兰足球女性周,届时将有足球明星Katie Duncan and Steph Skilton驻场。此活动由Three KingsUnited Football俱乐部和Onehunga体育和新组建的奥克兰联合团队一起组织。欢迎大家参加。您可以做志愿者,也可以参与活动。

Date日期: Saturday, 22 February

Time时间: 9:00 am –12:30 pm

Venue 地点: Keith HayPark Basketball Court, Mount Roskill, Auckland 1041

Tasks :assist with moving and setting up equipment, set up the table and teardropflags, BBQ, and packing down the gear.


To register yourinterest as a volunteer:


Step 1 fill in thefrom via this link https://forms.gle/H4oD5LJXLnMZs3Jp6


Step 2 send an emailto Sherry (email: sherry@sportauckland.co.nz) with your full name + phonenumber + Event Date you’d like to volunteer to. Further details will be sent toyou closer to the events.


Volunteering Opportunity #3 Walk with Us

志愿者活动3 徒步领队志愿者

We are alsolooking for enthusiastic and responsible walking leaders to join our walkleader team and take turns to the lead walks for Asian community in central Auckland. You will receive professional training, guidance, and volunteer certificates.  This is an excellentopportunity to gain leadership experience, accumulate local work experience, get fit and make lots of friends.


Please email us at sherry@sportauckland.co.nz if you are interested.  


More sport and physical activities with Sport Auckland

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