I have read the other petition to urge NZ to stop Chinese nationals from entering the country. I don't think it is Chinese nationals but anyone who entered into China in past two weeks. I noticed there are many discussions on social media and at least half of those comments are racism.A newspaper in AU calling corona virus "Chinese virus",so they probably call HIV "African virus"? Calling a virus by where it was originally found? Is this going to help with preventing spreading of the virus? Thank goodness there is no deadly virus found in NZ so far otherwise it will be called "NZ virus"? Or a petition here calling to stop New Zealander from entering a country, or stop India nationals from entering the country if this happened in India? What I am trying to say here is this could happen in any country around the world, it is not going to help by blaming a specific ethical group. As far as I know from the news, Chinese govt has stopped flights going overseas as soon as they realized how serious it was. I saw people came out of Airport were wearing masks and Chinese tourists are wearing masks in South Island, they are doing their best to prevent this virus from spreading, and there are many Chinese residents here is NZ for quite a long time, and they have never been to China in past few years, they are just like you,like us, their children were born here, or themselves were born here, they have same value as us and they are Kiwis. Unfortunately some of us blaming them for what is happening in China because they judging people based on their colour and race, and we should realize this could happen to anyone, even those who are discriminating others. For the Chinese-Kiwis, they are also worrying about the virus coming into NZ, and they probably also worrying about their families and friends in China, it is a shame that someone putting more pressure on them and making them feel hard during this difficult period of time. When we talking about how much money we made from exporting stuff to China, tourism, education, it is Okay if you don't want to help when they are in trouble, but at least not to say something which would hurt when others are in trouble? This will end eventually, and what you gonna do then, hey, we are friends again? We are humans and it called humanity, think about yourself and put yourself in the same situation.