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[生活] 计算机病毒和生物病毒 |
升级 23% |
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To the stupid Kiwi or Kiwi Media watching this site, f*ck off if you don't know how to interpret the Chinese language. Stop defaming NZ Chinese Community and NZ Chinese Media. |
升级 87.42% |
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Do not wait to be taught rather take the opportunity to learn
升级 0% |
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升级 21.76% |
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唯識所變, 唯心所現,三界唯識, 萬法唯心.
升级 85.32% |
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升级 47.79% |
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滄海一聲笑 滔滔兩岸潮 浮沉隨浪 只記今朝蒼天笑 紛紛世上潮 誰負誰勝出 天知曉江山笑 煙雨遙 浪洶盡紅塵俗世幾多嬌 清風笑 竟若寂寥 豪情還剩了一襟晚照蒼生笑 不再寂寥 豪情仍在癡癡笑 啦啦啦~~~ |
升级 34.28% |
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升级 52.22% |
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