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[求助/提问] 寻求文档翻译,2000英文左右,关于水管工,微信转账:yls13702712140 [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

升级  3%

发表于 2017-5-27 00:46:49 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 微信分享
A sewage treatment system includes a septictank with a biofilter, and discharges by gravity to an effluent disposal field.

(a) Sketch and label a diagram to show the maincomponents of the sewage treatment system.
(a) Diagram to show:
Drain to septic tank with fresh air inlet.
Septic tank.
Bio filter on tank outlet.
Outlet of septic tank providing cascade throughtank.
Trench effluent disposal field.

(b) List, in order, the steps that occurthrough the treatment process when sewage is disposed of using this type ofsewage treatment system.
(b) Sewage enters the septic tank.
In the chamber the sewage separates; solidsfall to the bottom and scum and floatables rise to the top. (1 mark)

Anaerobic bacteria digest the sewage, creatinga clearer effluent liquid ready
for discharge. (1 mark)

The effluent is filtered through the bio filteras it is discharged from the tank, retaining any solid material in the tank. (1mark)

The effluent is discharged to the disposalfield where aerobic bacteria further treat the effluent. (1 mark)

Sun, insects, plants, soil further breakdownthe effluent so that it becomes safer for people and the environment. (1 mark)

The plan opposite shows a building and contourlines on a site. The foul water drainage pipework connecting the dwelling tothe network utility operator’s (NUO) sewer is also shown.

The pipework has been laid at a gradient of1:60, and the distances between the points are as shown in the table below.

The invert for the NUO connection marked E is1.25 m below ground level.

Complete the table below to show how manymillimetres below ground level to the invert of the drain at the pointsindicated.

(a) A system for the disposal of industrialliquid waste is to be designed.

The waste is not hazardous, but is notpermitted to be discharged directly to a sewer.

Give the TWO acceptable options for disposal ofthe liquid waste.
(a) • Store the waste in a holding tank for futuredisposal at a suitable site.
• Treat the waste until it reaches a standardacceptable to be discharged to the sewer or water course.

(b) Name TWO clauses of the New Zealandbuilding code with which systems designed for collecting hazardous industrialliquid waste must comply.
(b) Any TWO (1 mark each)
G14 – Industrial Liquid Waste.
F3 – Hazardous Substances and Processes.
B2 – Durability.

(c) Give the TWO specific requirements that apump used to pump hazardous liquid waste must meet.
(c) • Must be seal-less or glandless.
• A remotely or automatically actuated shut-offvalve must be installed in the pump inlet line.

(d) Name the type of trap that must be includedin the foul water drainage design if the industrial liquid waste is flammable.
(d) Trap
Oil / petrol trap

A drainlayer has changed his contact addressdetails.
(a) (i) State the length of time within whichthe drainlayer must notify the Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainlayers Board ofthe change of address.
(a) (i) 3 months.

(ii) State the penalty that may be imposed ifthe requirement in (i) is not met.
(ii) A fine (up to $500).

(b) A certifying drainlayer has employed atrainee who now holds a limited certificate.

State the minimum period of time must thetrainee work in the presence of the certifying drainlayer.
(b) 12 months.

(c) (i) Explain the purpose of approved codesof practice.
(c) (i) To provide a method of completing a taskin a safe manner that will comply with Occupational Health and Safetyrequirements.

(ii) State why following the recommendations ofcodes of practice is beneficial if an incident were to occur.
(ii) They may be used as evidence of good practiceif the incident should result in a court hearing.

The plan below shows part of the foul waterdrainage system for a dwelling installed to comply with the minimumrequirements of New Zealand Building Code clause G13/AS2 Foul Water.

The plan has been drawn to a scale of 1:50

(a) Complete the plan to show the vent pipeworkand the locations of inspection openings for the system.
(a) Vent pipework. (1 mark)
Inspection openings.

(b) Complete the table below to show thequantity of the listed items that are required to complete the installation.

Allow for an extra 20% of pipe for wastage.

(a) Sketch and label a diagram of a Type 1surface water sump. Include relevant measurements on your diagram.
(a) Diagram to show:
• Removable/hinged lid. (1 mark)
• Outlet with junction to removable access cap 90mm. (2 marks)
• Sump minimum diameter 375 mm. (1 mark)
• 300 mm deep area at base of sump for collectionof debris. (1 mark)
• Seal/floor at base of sump. (1 mark)
• Maximum overall depth of 1000 mm. (1 mark)

(b) Give TWO differences between a Type 1surface water sump and a Type 2 surface water sump.
(b) Any TWO (1 mark each)
• Type 2 has a larger chamber diameter.
• Type 2 has a larger outlet diameter.
• Type 2 has a deeper collection area.
• Type 2 has no maximum overall depth.

Surcharge from a surface water drain hasentered a building during normal rainfall.

Give THREE checks that should be carried outbefore taking remedial action.
• Check the drain for maintenance.
• Check that there are no additional catchmentareas.
• Confirm that the secondary path is operational.

(a) Name the test used to determine thesuitability of an area to be used for the installation of a soak pit.
(a) Soakage or percolation test.

(b) Describe how the test in (a) is performed.
(b) Dig a hole to prescribed depth.
Fill the hole with water.
Measure the amount of time taken for the water tosoak into the soil.
Test the soil for flow rate by determining thesoil’s characteristics.

The plan below shows the layout of sanitaryfixtures for a new dwelling and a connection point to the Network UtilityOperators (NUO) sewer connection point (X). The plan has been drawn to a scaleof 1:100

(a) Complete the diagram to show the foul waterdrains required to convey the waste to the NUO connection point. The system isto comply with the minimum requirements of New Zealand Building Code ClauseG13/AS2 Foul Water.

(b) Label the diagram to indicate the locationof any necessary inspection openings.
Diagram to show:
• Minimum of one gully trap. (3 marks)
• Gully trap(s) not under the deck. (3 marks)
• Inspection openings at code locations. (3 marks)
• Venting as required. (1 mark)

The diagram below shows a dwelling built atthe top of a steep section. The section has had retaining walls installed.

Sketch a design showing the foul water drainconnecting the gully trap (GT) outlet to the Network Utility Operator’sconnection point (X). Also show any inspection and support requirements.

The completed installation is to comply withAS/NZS 3500 Part 2: Sanitary plumbing and drainage.

Calculate gradient. (2 marks)
Deciding gradient steeper than 20%. (1 mark)
Jump-ups. (2 marks)
Location of jump-ups. (2 marks)
Spacing of jump-ups. (1 mark)
Inspections . (2 marks)

The diagram below shows a side elevation of asection which includes a storage shed. There is no electrical power on thesite.

The plan also includes a connection to theNetwork Utility Operator’s (NUO) surface water sewer as shown.

Complete the diagram to show the completedsurface water drainage system for the site.

Label your drawing to show all necessaryrequirements for the design to comply with New Zealand Building Code clause E1Surface Water.

Back falling drain with one inspection opening atthe connection point. (2 marks)

Surface water drain must be sealed to base of downpipe or drain extends up wall to above kerb level. (1 mark)

Flushing point at low end of drain. (2 marks)

NUO entry graded. (1 mark)

(a) A building foundation extends 1.2 metresbelow the finished ground level adjacent to the building.

A foul water trench is to be excavated to adepth of 1.9 metres below the finished ground level and will be inspected andbackfilled the following day.

Determine the minimum allowable horizontalseparation distance between the buildings foundation and the base of the trenchin accordance with the New Zealand Building Code clause G13/AS2 Foul Water.
(a) V = 1.9 – 1.2 = 0.7 (1 mark)
Trench open less than 24 hrs
Distance = 700 mm

(b) The diagram below shows a proposed paved areato be laid on a flat section.
The location of the section has an ARI 10 years(AEP 10%) of 35 mm/hr.

(b) Area = 2600 m2 (2 marks)
Modified area = 2600 × 0.01 × 35 = 910 m2 (1 mark)
Pipe diameter = 225 mm (½ mark)
Correct size and gradient

Using the graph on the page opposite, determinethe required size and gradient for the surface water drain. Show all working.

An open water course through a property is tobe piped.

Six hazards have been identified for the siteand listed on the hazard register as shown below.

Complete the register by giving a managementsolution for each hazard and indicating if the solution eliminates, isolates orminimises the hazard.

Solution and category to be marked on merits.


1. Which of the following excavations isclassified as notifiable work?
A A trench which is 1200 mm deep and 1000 mmwide.
B A trench which is 1200 mm deep and 1500 mmwide.
C A trench which is 1200 mm deep and 1750 mmwide.
D A trench which is 1500 mm deep and 1000 mm wide.
E A trench which is 1500 mm deep and 1750 mmwide.

2. Which of the following must receive acompleted notifiable work form before such work is started?
A The local territorial authority.
B WorkSafe New Zealand.
C The Plumbers, Gasfitters and DrainlayersBoard.
D The Health and Safety Representative for thesite.
E The Regional Health and Safety inspector.

3. How much notice (time) must be given beforenotifiable work is to be carried out?
A 24 hours.
B 48 hours.
C 72 hours.
D 5 working days.
E 10 working days.

4. Which of the following accident categoriesmust be recorded AND requires the appropriate agency to be notified?
A Near misses.
B Accidents which do not require any first aidor other medical attention.
C Accidents which require basic first aid only.
D Accidents resulting in serious harm.
E All of the above.

5. Under which of the following circumstancescan an employee choose not to wear the PPE gear supplied?
A When the ambient temperature is above 32°C.
B When the total weight of the PPE gear exceeds16 kg.
C When the employee provides his/her ownsuitable PPE gear.
D When it is agreed the PPE gear makes a taskmore difficult to complete.
E When the employee signs a waiver safeguardingthe employer from prosecution if an injury should occur.

6. The sides of a trench have been cut back toa safe slope.
What is the minimum distance from the top edgeof the trench any vehicles should be permitted to drive?
A 600 mm.
B 750 mm.
C 800 mm.
D 900 mm.
E 1000 mm.

7. Which of the following is considered greywater?
A Effluent discharged for an aerated sewagetreatment system.
B Discharge from waste water fixtures.
C Discharge from soil fixtures.
D Surface water collected for non-potable use(e.g. watering gardens).
E Untreated surface water, before treatment anduse as potable water supply.

8. Which of the following effluent disposaloptions is NOT suitable for use with a septic tank treatment system?
A Gravity soakage trenches.
B Soak pit system.
C Sand (Wisconsin) mounds.
D Low pressure (dose loading) effluentdistribution.
E Drip line irrigation system.

9. Which of the following is needed tocalculate the required capacity of a grease trap receiving the discharge from arestaurant?
A The diameter of the main drain receiving dischargefrom the restaurant.
B The capacity of all sinks and tubs and washhand basins in the restaurant.
C The size of the restaurant floor space,including the kitchen area in square meters.
D The total number of discharge units offixtures discharging into the grease trap.
E The number of seats provided for customersin the restaurant.

10. An electrical supply cable has been laid inthe ground with mechanical protection and marked with orange marker tape.

How close to the electrical cable is an undergrounddrain permitted to be installed?
A 100 mm.
B 200 mm.
C 300 mm.
D 500 mm.
E 600 mm.

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Rank: 6Rank: 6

升级  3%

发表于 2017-5-27 00:51:49 |只看该作者 微信分享

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