他还想合并CCO的back office的部门,不说别的了,CCO 每个都有自己的SAP 系统,有很多都是刚刚从原来的council的SAP分出来的,现在他又想合并。有的时候忽悠不懂行的人很容易,原来5个SAP系统,现在合并成一个一定省钱。他怎么不看看现在的council在把整个系统合并在一起花了多少钱啊。
Council Controlled Organisations (CCOs) While CCOs have been established as arms-length entities, clear expectations will be established for all CCOs with respect to their revenues, expenditure and financial management. This will include: - An expectation that all CCOs will participate in the collaborative procurement of non-specialised inputs to maximise the economies of scale from the Group procurement spend, with this activity being led by the Council’s team.
- An expectation the Council and CCOs will progressively move together as a Group towards a shared services environment for other back office functions, including computing, finance, payroll and HR.
- Investigate adopting a fair level of user-pays where there are demonstrable private benefits generated from CCO operations. For example, Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED), a CCO with expenditure of around $70 million a year, generates benefits for the city as a whole, but it also generates benefits for specific industries, such as tourism and hospitality providers. This could generate savings and better focused programmes more responsive to businesses.
- The elimination of duplication with other organisations with a presence in Auckland, including central government. For example, both ATEED and New Zealand Trade & Enterprise (NZTE) have a strong presence in Auckland. Wherever practical these two organisations should be run like a joint venture so they can leverage their respective strengths, achieve common goals, and control their combined expenditure.