这个没有必然关系。就像我买马自达时,Sales说Northharbour Mazda wairau valley 那边保养因为太多人去,保养做得比较马虎。,Silverdale 那家人少做得会比较仔细。Silverdale Service Center 那家也是Northharbour Mazda/ford 的一个分支。Browns Bay。service center不如Albany 那边忙,不用急着接下一单其实保养反而会做到比较仔细。
The reason I like Toyota over other brands is the price and the service is the same across every dealership in NZ, save so much time from getting worried oh am I getting overcharged or this kind of shit, just like when go to costco, save your time to compare the price because you know everyones getting a deal