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[服务人员] 牙医助理/ Orthodontic Assistant Wanted [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

升级  12%

发表于 2022-11-6 21:29:11 |只看该作者 |正序浏览 微信分享
公司名称: Botany Orthodontic
工作地点: 奥克兰东区
职位: 牙医助理/ Orthodontic Assistant
薪金: 高于新西兰法定最低工资
工作性质: 全职
联系电话: 02102245961
电子邮件: botanydentist@gmail.com

我们是位于 Flat bush 的牙医正畸诊所。

我们目前正在寻找一位牙医正畸助理加入我们的团队和协助我们的正畸医生。有牙科/矫正相关经历优先考虑,但不是必需。工资 ($22~$30) 将取决于相关工作经验。


·      协助正畸手术、

·      器械消毒、

·      浇注模型、

·      笔记,

·      整理手术。

工作日和时间为(每周 30.5 小时):

·      周二上午 9 点至下午 1 点、

·      周三 9 点至 6 点、

·      周四 9 点至 6 点,

·      周五 9 点至 5 点,

·      周一、周六和周日休息。



·      能够尽快开始上班。

·      勤奋、自力更生、对自己的工作负责,作为回报我们将提供所需的所有培训

·      年轻力壮,因为你需要长时间站立工作

·      您必须需会流利的英语,会其他语言会更好

·      您必须持有有效的工作签证,现阶段我们不考虑签证担保。

·      提供免费员工停车位。


We are a specialist Orthodontic practice located in Flat bush. Our practice takes pride in being culturally diverse and providing the best possible care to our patients.

We are currently seeking an enthusiastic Orthodontic Assistant to join the team.

We are looking for a key team member to assist our Orthodontist at our practice. Dental/Ortho experience would be beneficial, however not essential. Remuneration will depend on experience. Wages would be ranging from $22-30 depending on experience.

Tasks consist of assisting for orthodontic procedures, sterilisation of instruments, pouring models, taking notes and tidying of the surgery.

Standard work days and hours are:

·       Tuesday 9am-1pm,

·       Wednesday 9-6pm,

·       Thursday 9-6pm

·       Friday 9-5pm (30.5 hours a week)

·       Closed on Mondays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Ideally the candidate should live close by to the practice and with their own transport for flexibility and needs to be punctual.

We are looking for someone:

·       To start as soon as possible.

·       Hardworking, self-reliant and take ownership in their work, in return we will provide you with all the trainings that you need.

·       Physically fit, as this role requires you to be on your feet for significant period of time

·       You must be fluent in spoken and written English, fluent in other language would be a bonus.

·       You must have a valid work visa and at this stage we are not considering visa sponsorship.

·       Free staff parking are available.

Please email your CV and cover letter to mailto:botanydentist@gmail.com

We are a dentist orthodontic clinic located in Flat bush.

We are currently looking for a Dentist Orthodontic Assistant to join our team and assist our orthodontists. Dental/orthodontic experience is preferred, but not required. Salary ($22~$30) will depend on relevant work experience.

Orthodontic assistant jobs include:

· Assist in orthodontic surgery,

· Instrument disinfection,

· Pouring model,

· Notes,

· Organize surgery.

Working days and hours are (30.5 hours per week):

· Tuesday 9am to 1pm,

· Wednesday from 9:00 to 6:00,

· Thursday from 9:00 to 6:00,

· Friday from 9:00 to 5:00,

· Closed on Mondays, Saturdays and Sundays.

You must have your own transportation to be flexible and to commute on time.

We are looking for a:

· Be able to start work as soon as possible.

· Diligent, self-reliant and responsible for their work, in return we will provide all the training needed

· Young and strong, because you need to stand for long hours to work

· You must be fluent in English, other languages ​​will be better

· You must hold a valid work visa, we do not consider visa guarantees at this stage.

· Free employee parking is available.

If interested please email your resume and cover letter to: botanydentist@gmail.com

We are a specialist Orthodontic practice located in Flat bush. Our practice takes pride in being culturally diverse and providing the best possible care to our patients.

We are currently seeking an enthusiastic Orthodontic Assistant to join the team.

We are looking for a key team member to assist our Orthodontist at our practice. Dental/Ortho experience would be beneficial, however not essential. Remuneration will depend on experience. Wages would be ranging from $22-30 depending on experience.

Tasks consist of assisting for orthodontic procedures, sterilisation of instruments, pouring models, taking notes and tidying of the surgery.

Standard work days and hours are:

·       Tuesday 9am-1pm,

·       Wednesday 9-6pm,

·       Thursday 9-6pm

·       Friday 9-5pm (30.5 hours a week)

·       Closed on Mondays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Ideally the candidate should live close by to the practice and with their own transport for flexibility and needs to be punctual.

We are looking for someone:

·       To start as soon as possible.

·       Hardworking, self-reliant and take ownership in their work, in return we will provide you with all the trainings that you need.

·       Physically fit, as this role requires you to be on your feet for significant period of time

·       You must be fluent in spoken and written English, fluent in other language would be a bonus.

·       You must have a valid work visa and at this stage we are not considering visa sponsorship.

·       Free staff parking are available.

Please email your CV and cover letter to mailto: botanydentist@gmail.com

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