本帖最后由 悦享奇城 于 2021-4-12 16:28 编辑
额,这种人还想以后买房... 上tribunal没多大用,你就告诉他你这种行径会影响他以后的签证,他就怕了。
Serious character issues[size=1.6em]You can't be granted a visa if you: - have ever been convicted of an offence for which you were sentenced to a term of imprisonment of 5 years or more
- have been convicted in the last 10 years of an offence for which you were sentenced to a term of imprisonment of 12 months or longer
- are prohibited from entering New Zealand
- have ever been removed, excluded or deported from any country.
[size=1.6em]You will also not be granted a visa if we have reason to believe you: - are likely to commit an offence in New Zealand that is punishable by imprisonment
- are likely to be a risk to security
- are likely to be a threat to public order
- are likely to be a risk to the public interest.