本帖最后由 匿名 于 2020-3-14 11:04 编辑
Actually that is the government's plan (China, UK, USA, Europe, Australia, NZ).
1) There will be $billion of pension fund saved.
2) Aging Cleansing in a legal way. Aging and living beyond 60s is the government's long term problem and is a big-time liabilities in government books.
3) The virus is genetically engineered for aging cleansing, where is the source is debatable, some say China, some say USA?
4) Let nature takes its course and let the virus do what it is supposed to do.
5) Remember the darwin theory? The stronger genes will survive, the weaks will not. How sad....... but is applied in this era.
6) The economy is set of resets. The default button is now pressed. Billion of Wealth will be wiped off and this is just the beginning.