本帖最后由 匿名 于 2019-5-16 13:25 编辑
看看波音所在地西雅图,都变成啥样了?毒品,流浪汉,毁掉的街区, 正在死亡 ! 没有希望,酒囊饭袋政客们毫无作为,雪上加霜!
龅牙你还要在新西兰搞大麻合法公投,你知不知道美国把它列为头号毒品?它的大部分问题都和毒品,枪支有关!(大麻毒品级别 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controlled_Substances_Act#Schedule_I_controlled_substances)
Seattle isn't dying, it's committing suicide.
Seattle is getting exactly what they voted for,
I have seen this in every dead-end corner of our country : So. Florida, Homer, Ak, so. California, N.E states: ( fugitives can't run & hide any further when backed into a corner) Can't really blame it on legislators who get swamped w/ providing assistance to fellow humans. It sucks as Seattle is beautiful
Until Seattle people stop voting Democrat you will have this and it will get worse.
Amazing, Vancouver is a close second, the downtown east-side is one huge enabling system and lays waist to human life. Great for the rats and drug dealers, humans, not so good
3 sources of the problem: 1. The decay of families 2. Drug use 3. Electing democrats