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微苦蓝山 发表于 2019-3-25 11:21 
就问问你从哪里得知的信息,说要求全体新西兰妇女带头巾的??? ...
静默致哀是完全应该的。我想大多数新西兰人对这次在二个清真寺的可怕恐袭中失去了那么多自己的公民和访问者表示沉痛哀悼,对宝贵生命和所爱的人的失去更是感同身受。我也在默哀的行列中,对这种不必要损失的宝贵生命表示尊重和深深的哀悼。 然而,新西兰并不是一个伊斯兰国家,虽然那些有伊斯兰信仰的人在新西兰境内受到欢迎。对,当移民来到我们美丽的国家时,他们被同化,或者应该被同化,变成“我们中的一员”,虽然他们有宗教自由和集会的权利。然而我们并没有成为他们中的一员,这是一个巨大的差异。我们有权利不敬拜或在任何地方敬拜,甚至去敬拜一棵树或一块石头,如果我们愿意。这是我们的父母和祖先奋斗争取来的自由。
我再说一遍,也很可能会因此而受到攻击。当你已经付出了很多时,你会被要求付出更多。 我想提醒大家,没有政府资助这种东西,只有“全体纳税人资助”。当你说我们会支付,ACC会支付,或者我保证会支付,你实际上是在说每个新西兰纳税人会支付。
好的,我明白了,你作出的快速决定,实际上是违反ACC的规定和程序的。 需要强调的是,新西兰并没有犯下这一罪行,而是一个原教旨主义的傻瓜犯下了这一罪行。然而,根据你的办公室提出的强有力的建议而采取的这些极端应对措施本身也是极端和原教旨主义的。
另一个想问杰辛达的问题是: 从什么时候开始帮派成员都有保安执照了? 从什么时候起,帮派成员被允许在街道上巡逻,在公共建筑和礼拜堂的前面巡逻? 难道这些公共建筑和礼拜堂都改成帮派的颜色和标志了?
请解释一下。 你如此迅速地要求或建议无辜的农民和公民放弃他们的枪支和军械。就因为一个疯子?这又是一次极端的反应。 如果你想戴你的面纱 我十分尊重你的权利去这样做, 如果你想在穆斯林音乐和以安拉名义的祈祷声中跪拜, 我也尊重你的选择。但作为总理,你没有权利以正式身份建议甚至强迫其他人也这样做。如果你想要所有新西兰人都那么做,你必须放弃你的职位,你的权威,而从草根发声,而不是从代表国家的总部发岀。你现在玩得太过份了,你应该辞去国家的最高职位,因为你做的已经远远超出了你的职权。
我把话说在这里,伊斯兰教并不意味着和平,它意味着只有臣服才能和平。 请不要误解我的意思,对于新西兰公民和游客遭受的袭击,唯一正确的回应是无条件的爱和善意,包括对那些宣称和认定自己是穆斯林的人。然而,事情并不是这样,你的建议和决定是要使成为穆斯林才是爱的表达。 我承认。
转发—Interesting- Copied Post I am gonna say it how it is, Jacinda Ardern PM of New Zealand you have become a major part of the division problem. You need to step down from your office now. You forced Parliament to be Submitted yesterday to Islamic Prayers, now you are forcing by demanded strong suggestion all of New Zealand to submit, to Submit to the Islamic call to prayer by it being played over the airways on NZ. It is one thing to have a moments silence which I think most New Zealanders would be honourable and respectful in regards to this depraved loss of life and the terrorising of New Zealand citizens and visitors at 2 mosques and the horrific loss of so many lives and loved ones, I two stand in silence and in honourable respect and deep sadness reflecting on this unnecessary loss of precious life. However New Zealand is not an Islamic Country, yet has those of Islamic faith welcomed within her bounds, and you are correct, when migrants come to our beautiful country they assimilate or should assimilate and become "They are us". They are welcomed with freedom to worship and right to assemble. However we do not become a them, this is a huge difference. We have the right to not worship or worship elsewhere, or worship a tree or a stone should we wish, it's called freedom paid for on the backs of our fathers and mothers and forebears. I am getting a little sick of you as the PM and the media using Islam as a race card. ISLAM is not a RACE. Islam is a religious sect or ideology and you Jacinda are forcing through as head of state Islam on your nation. You have no right to stand in the highest office of the nation and use your position to influence and to insist this type of response. You must remain neutral in your decisions for the sake of all New Zealanders, you have gone too far. You are not an Imam you are the Prime Minister and as such you have no right or position in calling all New Zealanders to Islamic Prayer you are so outside of the boundaries of your office. I will say it again and most likely be attacked for it. You have given so much but now so much more will be demanded. I want to remind you that there is no such thing as Government Funded, there is only "Tax Payer Citizen Funded". When you say we will pay and ACC will pay or I will ensure this will be paid you are actually saying every NZ tax payer will pay, making an instant decision over and above all ACC protocols and procedure, ok I get it. However New Zealand is not guilty of this crime a fundamentalist fool is. Yet going to these far responses in itself is (forcing by empowered suggestion bordering demand from your office) is also extreme and fundamentalist. On another note Jacinda since when did Gang Patch Members have a security guards license ? Since when were Patched gang members allowed to patrol the streets and the front of public buildings and houses of worship in Gang Colours and regalia? Please explain. You are so quick to demand or suggest that innocent farmers and citizens give up their guns and armoury. Because of one deranged man? Again an extremist response. If you wish to wear your hijab I honour and respect your right to do so, if you wish to bow down and in knelt prostrate position on the floor under the sound of the Islamic Call to prayer and Honour Allah I respect your right to do so, but as PM you do NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO FORCE OR EVEN SUGGEST THIS ON OTHERS IN YOUR OFFICIAL CAPACITY OF OFFICE. If that is what you want all of NZ to do then you must relinquish your office and your authority first and do this from grass roots not from entitlement of the nations head office In this You have gone way too far, perhaps you should step aside from your headship as you have now gone far beyond your responsibilities. For the record - Islam does not mean Peace, it means Peace by Submission. Please don't misinterpret me, the only right response to the attacks on New Zealand's citizens and visitors including those proclaiming and identifying as Muslim by faith is unconditional love and kindness, however it is not - That others are to be made subjects of Islam, by your decree. I'll own it. Peter Mitchell