我担保我老婆申请绿卡, 等了1个月今天终于扣费了,当天就收到移民局suppot officer的邮件,说我老婆的nsc表格学历和工作经验有间隔,,, 新西兰境内的间隔我倒是觉得好解释,我准备说我们unemployed support by savings,并且附带一份那段时间银行存款证明。但是请问:
2,suppor officer是负责lodgement的官员还是什么呢??
I am doing the initial document check of your residence application. It appears that the INZ 1209 form you submitted contains gaps.
Section C1 and C2 of the form should not contain gaps. For this reason I have attached the form you submitted which highlight the gaps. Please note you must provide all periods of education and employment details from the beginning of your Education / employment until present time. This includes any period where you undertook household/ domestic duties, voluntary or unpaid work, travelling or studying. Employment Section has to be completed even if you are retired, manages the household, or are studying or between jobs or unemployed.
When submitting dates and reasons for travel, please ensure information is accurate and complete. Please ensure you leave NO GAPS between the periods for which information is provided. Please ensure you leave NO GAPS between the periods of EMPLOYMENT, UNEMPLOYMENT AND EDUCATION HISTORY until present. Please note, This includes any period where you partner undertook household/ domestic duties, voluntary or unpaid work, travelling or studying. For any period where he was not working or studying, please give the dates and explain how he supported himself. If you do not provide the full and complete histories, the application will be delayed while we seek clarification from you. Please submit the scanned completed INZ 1209 by 2pm of 22 November 2017.