There are a few things i would like to bring up for my house.
Fan unit in the bathroom needs to be fitted with its replacement The back door, when it is wet does not close The cabinet door under the oven has come off The light dimmer in the lounge is not working The front deck is very slippery with the rain
Also there is no heating in my house and winter can become very cold Also i would like to get my house locks replaced too
Please advise on how to work through this
Thank you
想请教下大家,前面那些需要维修的没什么争议,我是否可以让她请人修然后发票给我报销? 但是heating需要我买么?她之前在这住了两年,今年房东换成我了,跟我提出这个要求是坑我么? 还有锁我可以让她换但我应该不用出钱吧。。。。