新西兰幼教学会(New Zealand Early Childhood Education Association [NZECEA])
New Zealand Early Childhood Education Association (NZECEA) is a nonprofit organization and providing a discussion forum for Early Childhood Education (ECE) teachers to share information & experience in their daily work and learn with each other; Providing a platform for ECE teachers to effectively understand the frontier theories of ECE and overcome their challenging domains in their work.
We aim to improve the academic performance and professionalism of ECE teachers and improve their teaching practice in New Zealand early childhood services. We endeavour to make responsive and reciprocal connections among children, ECE teachers, children's parents and early childhood services. Meanwhile, we strive to facilitate the improvement of teaching quality of ECE organisations and contribute to the development of the ECE in New Zealand.
To know more about NZECEA, click our official website on: http://www.nzecea.co.nz/
(The website includes the introductions of ECE in some universities and colleges(such as ECE in Auckland University, Massy University, Victoria University, AUT, and Otago etc., Meanwhile, ECE related resource sharing, Updated ECE News and information, and the professional development for ECE teachers).
If you are an ECE educator in New Zealand or are becoming a teacher, you can email us on nzecea@gmail.com to register as a NZECEA member, there are 500 teacher waiting and welcoming you to join us!