本帖最后由 房客小A 于 2015-7-31 11:36 编辑
How to calculate the adjustment for an entertainment expenseThe table below explains how to calculate the adjustment for an entertainment expense, and provides an example. Scenario:The only entertainment expense in the 2010-11 tax year was a business lunch for clients. The lunch costs $230 including GST. The income tax return for the year ending 31 March 2011 is filed on 7 July 2011, and the business files six-monthly GST returns for the periods ending 30 April and 31 October. The adjustment would be made in the GST return for the six months ending 31 October 2011. The whole $230 would have been included in Box 11 of an earlier GST return to claim the GST credit.
Step | What to do | Example | 1 | To work out the GST, multiply the expense by 3 then divide by 23. | $230 x 3 divided by 23 = $30 | 2 | Subtract GST from the entertainment expense. | $230 - $30 = $200 | 3 | Work out the amount that is not deductible for income tax (50%). | $200 x 50% = $100 | 4 | - Multiply the non-deductible amount by 3 then divide by 23. This is your GST adjustment.
- Show this GST adjustment on your GST adjustments calculation sheet (IR372) under "Entertainment expenses".
- Transfer the total amounts to Box 9 on your GST return for the period ending 31 October 2011.
| $100 x 3 divided by 23= $13.04
上面 IRD给出的example是这样的。
不太明白的是,如果entertainment 是50% deductible的话,之前GST return申请了一共30的gst credit,为什么这里做adjustment的时候只补回了 13.04? 为什么要用GST exlusive的amount算出gst的proportion?不是应该补回30的一半,15的吗?
另外现在公司的做法是在book keeping的时候就把50% GL到deductible (eg,100),然后另外的50% GL到non deductible后标注GST Exemption (eg 115). 可是我看会计做的 P&L里面 non deductible expense写的却是 50% GST inclusive的数字 (eg 115)。。。。感觉不太对。
各位前辈,麻烦不厌其烦详细解释一下。谢谢 虚心请教