本帖最后由 LYYX 于 2015-8-2 08:20 编辑
今天的NZherald文章有一段话: Changing rules Mixed housing urban - next to town centres and transport rules
Previously: One dwelling per 300sq m and no density limits on sites greater than 1200sq m with 20m frontage. 3-storey height limit.
Now: No density limits, but strengthened design controls. 3-storey height limit.
Mixed housing suburban - typical suburban areas
Previously: One dwelling per 400sq m and one dwelling per 200sq m on sites greater than 1200m with 20m street frontage. 2-storey height limit.
Now: One dwelling per 200sq m on sites less than 1000sq m and no density limits on sites greater than 1000sq m. Strengthened control limits. 2-storey limit。 (http://www.nzherald.co.nz/proper ... 8&objectid=11487267) 这是否意味着未来Mixed housing suburban区400m2以上的地也能盖两栋?---马上就会释放很多地,近期房价又很难调整了!!(尤其对有400m2以上freehold的地?)网友如何看? PS:买家又升起了新希望?那卖家呢?"The plan is expected to become operative from July next year." http://www.nzherald.co.nz/property/news/article.cfm?c_id=8&objectid=11490147