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本帖最后由 LYYX 于 2014-7-14 10:18 编辑
1)Barfoots 六月Auckland 房市“The average sales price during June was $714,054, which was up 1.6 percent on May’s average price, and the second highest average price on record,”said Wendy Alexander, Chief Executive Officer of Barfoot & Thompson:http://www.barfoot.co.nz/Market- ... /Market-update.aspx。粗略分析得出的结论是:北岸房价看似已停涨-或真面目是下降?,5月均价为$839620(高价位-5房或以上占13.74%,低中价位-2-3房占52.6%),六月均价为$845289(高价位-5房或以上占20.3%,低中价位-2-3房占45.9%)-----由此可见五,六月均价上升的$5669(或升0.68%)早已因高价位房卖的比例上升和低中价位卖的比例下降抵消的无影无踪。
2)QV house prices-June(07/07公布):http://qv.co.nz/resources/news/article?blogId=155。3)House sales show big drop in 'perfect storm': http://www.nzherald.co.nz/property/news/article.cfm?c_id=8&objectid=11289268 。
3)Sales volumes continue to trend down as winter settles in to residential real estate
marke:https://www.reinz.co.nz/shadomx/ ... 41AF&siteName=reinz
4)https://www.reinz.co.nz/shadomx/ ... 1CEE&siteName=reinz
PS:Barfoots 数据有明显误导(虽然是屋主及中介愿意相信的),但从中位卖价看三月为652000,而六月为626500,也就是91天降了25500,及每天跌$280,三个月降4%;从平均卖价看三月为725708,而六月为714054,也就是91天降了11654,及每天跌$128,三个月降1.6%; |