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本帖最后由 AMICUS_LAW 于 2013-4-29 21:19 编辑
首先,新西兰的法律无论是Bill of Rights Act 或者Human Rights Act 都是以政府机构为出发点来对discrimination 做出平衡和保护的。
Human Rights Act 之后增加了相关条例把雇主包括在grounds of discrimination 里,而通过S61, 62, 63 把个人之间的关系也包括了进去。
但是你仔细读后会发现,对个体对个体之间的关系并不用discrimination 这个词,而是取代为disharmoney, harrasement等用词,其实是把要求大幅度降低,变成为侵权类行为(torts) 为什么呢?discrimination 包含了equality,就是要求行为中对他人相同的待遇,例如if you treat a white kiwi one way, you must treat a chinese (ethnicity wise) the same. 但我们知道在现实中人与人之间并不能够达到相同待遇,如果是两个人(或者一个组织对个人,不包括雇主)之间,允许一定的差别对待,包括言论自由,只有言论自由到达了攻击或者侮辱的地步,human rights commission 才能插手。
The policy reason for the above is to strike a balance between freedom of speech and racial harmony.
如果你仔细阅读the human rights act 的话,会发现所有的grounds of discrimination 都是subject to and/or limited by section 3 BORA的,除了雇佣关系被包括在内。And further, the human rights act itself is limited in the sense that if discrimination is legal in any other enactment then the Human Rights Act must give way to such enactment.
For example, if you cannot be hired as a military officer for being a Chinese passport holder by HR Act it is a form of discrimination but surely the Act is trumped by some other legislations which require discriminations by citizenship.
呵呵,要不是我打过很多的human rights cases, 我还真被你难倒了呢。 |
办公室: 09-969 1493 传真: 09-969 1492
法律事务:苏小姐 021-08956107
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地址: Level 6, 300 Queen Street, Auckland City.