本帖最后由 囧. 于 2013-10-2 11:48 编辑 ! y S- q& p* X& B9 k6 Q( K
9 g) V, C& Z9 o2 w/ x) j" a Z. d0 r
看到很多人问保险的事,我总结了一下3家保险公司的价格。 现在有些价格涨了 具体价格情咨询保险公司
1 z; T' L ? PCATS/DOGS (左边的价格是猫,右边是狗。Select breeds除了pet plan公司 其余都要多收费的) p.s 这些价格是2011年的,2012的价格可能每个月升了1块左右 具体价格请看他们公司的网站把 PET n SUR SILVER $25.13/$31.75 GOLD $27.64/$37.24 PLATINUM $39.17/$46.82 SILVER $2500 SURGERY $1500 MEDICINE 30%EXCESS FEE (其实我不太了解这个excess fee是要给保险公司还是怎样不过我不推荐这家公司) GOLD $4000 SURGERY $3000 MEDICINE 20% EXCESS FEE PLATINUM $6000 SURGERY $3000 MEDICINE 15% EXCESS FEE ELLENCO BASE $15.18/$22.56 $4000 Rebate 70% (如果看了$100块的病 直接退给你$70.我是这样理解的) ULTRA $21.98/$32.05 $6000 Rebate 80% PREMIER $26.07/$37.21 $9000 Rebate 15% PET PLAN (我最推荐的一家公司) BUDGET $19.60/$34.95 $8000 $100 ONCE (一种类型的病 一年就只用给一次$100) STANDARD $20.70/$39.15 $9000 SUPREME $25.20/$44.50 $12000 . v( j8 K8 L+ r. t, @& B) d
保险policy的一些小细节,也许有改动,具体请拨打保险公司电话 Specialsurgical problems and cancer: Pet Plan isthe only insurance to pay out the full annual allowance. All other insurancespay only a limited amount. Cruciateligament surgery ->onlyPet Plan pays out full amount Dentistry: Again Petplan pays out where the others don’t(the other insurance only pay for accidents, not for tooth root infection etc. Patella surgery (kneecap) and Cancer treatment -> only PetPlan pay full amount Blockages -> apart from Petnsure all otherinsurance pay for this condition in full Inheritedconditions(遗传病) – Ellenco requires an extra premium to be paid for these (Ellenco每年多给$80块就可以包up to $1000 遗传病,最多可以包$4000,每加$1000就要多给$80一年。但是一定要一开始就买,之后不能加进去) 1.) Excess:, W: F" d* J8 ]2 k+ i
i. Minimumexcess: Pet Plan makes it easy and charges a standardone-off excess of $ 100/annum and condition. So once the animal is insured, thecost per problem is limited to $ 100 per year. This is by far the cheapestexcess for the larger vet bills. ii. Percentageexcess: all other insurances charge the excess as apercentage (between 15% and 30%). So if the total bill is $ 2000, the excess isbetween $ 300 and $ 6006 _4 f0 a' k5 U' g% ]; C& f+ `
iii. Ageexcess: There is no age excess with Ellenco, but Petnsure will raise the excess by an additional 15% once theanimal has reached the age of 10 years, Pet Plan even by 25 % 1.) SelectBreeds: PetPlan stands out as the select breeds cost the same as any other dog orcat. However the age excess with Pet Plan for select breeds which kicksin at 7 years of age, rather than at 10 years for the ‘normal’ breeds or crossbreeds; `2 L' t- d" X$ p4 C7 M. V. p+ [
2.) FreePuppy Insurance: 2 z+ t, Y* ]5 h1 _* R" L$ q
a. Ellenco provides free, noobligation puppy insurance. You will receive a phone call at the end of thefree period to ask you to take out a policy# O" W1 @$ {* B1 O
b. Pet Plan also provides 4weeks free insurance cover, however you have to sign up with Pet Plan first.
) N( m$ Z& F ~6.) Lost pets – Pet Plan will also contributetowards the cost of finding a lost pet or will pay replacement costs if a pet dies due to an injury if you are on thestandard or supreme plans. Conclusion:
5 [9 x* y+ l* h P# w x8 j: e+ _) C& y! f% ^
Pet Planseems to providethe best value for money. There is a standard excess of
; \' u' a) I4 Y! a8 z* T! S( L7 ]$ 100 rather than a percentage and select-breedsdon’t cost extra. The maximum annual payout is around double of that of theother insurances. For all of this, the insurance premium is only slightly moreexpensive than the others.
3 A7 Q5 o7 L- \1 j( {! e0 [# r6 b0 @7 a; ?; @8 Z
2.) The cheapest plans for cats and dogs areprovided by Ellenco |