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[基督城/坎特伯雷] 新西兰231名涉签证造假中国学生将被遣返 |
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A.中国护照到期更换,护照补办;留学归国证明 B.新西兰护照所需签证:宝宝/儿童回国签证,旅游签证 办理时间:周一至周五(节假日除外)9:00-12:00 咨询热线:03-3433650(9:00-12:00) 电子邮箱:consulate_chc@mfa.gov.cn 地址:106 Hansons Lane,Riccarton,Christchurch 官网地址:http://christchurch.chineseconsulate.org |
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Where is hell? Here on Earth. Here are the life struggles, the sins, the failures and fall downs. You have been brought here to purge yourself, so you can go up where the light is.
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