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[生活] 大家 声援一下啊,我们一起去罢免936那个郑经纬david吧 |
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<img src="http://pic.bniu.com/uploadfiles/EdPic/ttuppics/2005/6/30/20056309584452070.bmp">
升级 93.28% |
一切都是烟云 一切都是没有结局的开始 一切都是梢纵即逝的追寻 一切欢乐都没有微笑 一切痛苦都挂着泪痕 |
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升级 45.32% |
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提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
升级 46.6% |
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WOF 全车保养 机械维修 四轮定位 新旧轮胎 www.nztyrezone.co.nz |
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---张爱玲 |
升级 22.52% |
so much to do,so little done, such things to be.
升级 14.2% |
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我的Ice cube为什么看不见了,讨厌的奔驰广告拜拜
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FINGFING 鞋铺,夏日凉拖上市噜~部分包邮哦!http://bbs.skykiwi.com/viewthread.php?tid=1240306&page=1#pid20620366
http://bbs.skykiwi.com/viewthread.php?tid=1242050&page=1#pid20642209 |
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so much to do,so little done, such things to be.
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What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so.
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The content is only for the use of the individual named above and may contain privileged information. Any dissemination, distribution or copying of it is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.
升级 93.28% |
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一切都是烟云 一切都是没有结局的开始 一切都是梢纵即逝的追寻 一切欢乐都没有微笑 一切痛苦都挂着泪痕 |