The basic accuracies of the human eye are[citation needed]:
Quick autofocus from distances of 10 cm (young people) to 50 cm (most people 50 years and older) to infinity[citation needed].
Angular resolution: 1-2' (about 0.02°-0.03°), which corresponds to 30–60 cm at a 1 km distance[citation needed].
Field of view (FOV): simultaneous visual perception in an area of about 160° × 175°.[1]
Faint stars up to +6.5 magnitude under a modern dark sky[citation needed].
Distance (factor of light intensity and light interference) the Andromeda Galaxy is visible at 2.5 million light years or 10 million trillion km[citation needed].
Photometry (brightness) to ±10% or 1% of intensity - in a range between night and day of 1:10,000,000,000[citation needed].
Symmetries of 10-20' (3-6 m per 1 km), see the measurements of Tycho Brahe and the Egyptians[citation needed].
Interval estimations (for example at a plan on paper) to 3-5%[citation needed].
Unconscious recognizing of movement (that is "alarm system" and reflexes)[citation needed].作者: 千龄 时间: 2011-9-25 22:10:24
[The f-number of the human eye varies from about f/8.3 in a very brightly lit place to about f/2.1 in the dark.[8] The presented maximum f-number has been questioned,[9] as it seems to only match the focal length that assumes outgoing light rays.[clarification needed] According to the incoming rays of light (what we actually see), the focal length of the eye is a bit longer, resulting in maximum f-number of f/3.2.]
ISO 在室外强光下大概达到 ISO 1.3, 夜晚 ISO 1200 (这个很不准确)作者: PLA1987 时间: 2011-9-27 10:34:21