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本帖最后由 seafood 于 2010-12-28 00:16 编辑
第1周电话INTERVIEW,谈了约半小时;第2周第一次面试,面试好后让我参加Psychometric Test,测试verbal reasoning skill & numerical skill,题目并不难,但是20分钟做20道题,几乎没有思考的时间。
第3周HR打电话来向我的雇主check reference (此时并未到最终录用阶段)。
第4周:Final Interview,最后一轮面试过后再度check reference!
什么有耐心,坚持、着装仪表之类的老生长谈/common sense我就不多说了,找工作很多时候都是运气问题,并非你能力不行,所以永远不要失去信心。
我指的充分,不是天马行空地想像一下对方可能会问什么就OK,而是打开WORD,把能搜到INTERVIEW Q 全部COPY下来,一一针对每个问题写下答案,充分组织好你的语言,斟酌好回答时的语气。
>What do you know about the organisation ?
>What attracts/motivate you to this role?
要针对他们的JOB ADS来回答,我的答案是friendly working environments, unique company culture(我有朋友在这家公司,所以很清楚他们的culture)
>Why did you leave your last job?
I really enjoy working at my company & do appreciate the skill developed so far, however, just being in the position over *** yrs, I feel the challenge I am facing is not enough to keep me motivated, my skill set and potential hasn’t been fully utilised, beside…
Don't say anything bad here!
> What do you consider the most note worthy accomplishment?
>Tell me about a time when you have encountered conflict in the workplace? How do you handle conflict in workplace?
a: Always Be Respectful and maintain a professional manner.
Everyone is different (different opinion, value and different way of doing things), it is important that you only look at facts, not against personal. Never confront it with negativity and a desire to complain.
b. Be Solution Oriented: find out what’s the source of conflict, eg. lack of understanding? Conflict of interest/Power?
c. Open to compromise and negotiation if necessary.
Let interviewer knows that you are open to compromise!
d: Ask a third Party to Mediate: If aren’t getting anywhere, will invite a neutral, third party to help mediate, or talk to supervisor?
> Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult colleague. What did you do and what was the outcome?
Situation: used to have a colleague working together, she was very reluctant to accept any changes, doesn’t matter it’s minor or major. We were planning to install new PAYROLL software to replace ***, auto A/L accumulation, she refused to adopt it even the working efficiency could be improved by at least 50%.
Tasks: the new software had to be installed before the end of financial year
- be patient, listen to her carefully, answered all her questions and concerns regarding the new software.
- Proposed a parallel system for the first month to see the result.
Results: she was convinced, positive outcome.
>Give me an example to develop team relationship in a difficult situation/ How to build up team relationship in workplace ?
大公司中TEAMWORK&RELATIONSHIP非常重要,很多PERFORMANCE REVIEW都是看整个TEAM的成绩,而不是个人的成绩,他们会很注意你的回答。
- When working as part of a team it is very important to support others and cooperate rather than compete.
- Understanding others, being tolerant and sensitive to their feelings, treating them fairly and ethically
- Always read to help when needed
> How Do You Handle Stress ?
我的工作环境是deadline-driven, 所以我的回答是always organise stuff in advance, prioritising tasks.
> What value would you see yourself to add into this organization ?
>Why you are the best applicants for this job?
>What challenge do you see yourself in the position?
>What is Your Greatest Strength
>What is Your Greatest Weakness
>What are you looking for in your next job?
What Were Your Expectations for the Job?
>What provide you with a sense of accomplishment /what motivates you?
> Tell me about a time when you failed?
>What are the Most Difficult Decisions to Make?
> What Did You Like Your Previous Job?
> What do you dislike your current job?
>What type of work environment do you prefer?
>How do you balance life and work?