本帖最后由 kiyolee 于 2010-5-12 19:01 编辑
Hello everyone~
I'm Jessica who is a ribbon artist from Korea.
Doing ribbon art is a wonderful and worthwhile habit.
You can make pretty and lovely accessories by yourself,
also it means a lot because it is one-of-a kind!
I'm sure you will love it!
Special price for this time!
Only $100 for 4 classes including all materials!
You can also purchase goods or D.I.Y on
http://blog.naver.com/r_a_i_n_bow这是她的部落格 里面有很多她自己的作品 很漂亮 有兴趣的朋友可以去看看
(Deal directly only in Auckland city centre)
If you have any enquires, don't be hesitate to e-mail me!
Jessica Kim
021-216-8771(English ONLY)
可以一对一 也可以和朋友一起做 非常轻松的环境
我也是在她那儿做过 真的很不错 人也很好