- 233127
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- 帖子
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- 注册时间
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- 2010-12-12
![Rank: 1](static/image/common/star_level1.gif)
升级 ![](source/plugin/plbeautify/images/expl.gif) ![](source/plugin/plbeautify/images/expc.gif) 70% - UID
- 233127
- 热情
- 1
- 人气
- 0
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- 帖子
- 13
- 精华
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- 积分
- 7
- 阅读权限
- 10
- 注册时间
- 2010-6-9
This is Sifu Tony Brooks, of NZ Auckland.
For those interested in Wing Chun as taught by the sons of Ip Man, you are welcome to try a free lesson at any of our schools Auckland wide.
$20 per week lets you attend all of our schools. No joining fee. You will be certified on paper in Ip Mans sons’ lineage.
I learnt Wing Chun from beginning to end at Ip Mans house via sons in Hong Kong. (Include swords).
Even though I do not look Chinese, my grandfather was Chinese and fought in world war two in the name of freedom for all.
Where ever I advertise, Bruce Cheng tries to insult me over 15 years, and many times want to claim me when I make no mention of him.
Although I have qualified in the LMK style, I have left out any claim to LMK to make Bruce Cheng special.
As he keeps insulting my way of living and wants to claim me,
like victor, then from now I will claim LMK lineage as I was given the same Chinese sash with gold writing as LMK(with policeman Ian Valy).
Ask Sifu Ian etc...!!!
Bruce Cheng spars rarely as beginners can get him easy, and in his style, he teaches that speed is skill. Speed is good, but it is not skill.
I have never seen Bruce Cheng blindfold fight or any of his students in person or on his website.
Bruce Cheng was challenged recently by another Wing Chun and Bruce Cheng asked to stop after 10 seconds as he had no chance in winning.
I have never met or touched Victors/friends hands and he has a Japanese karate black belt from Bruce Cheng, and was not awarded the same Chinese sash as LMK as I did.
Although LMK was only qualified in first level Siu Lim Tao by Ip Man, fact is LMK was taught the rest by Duncan Leung, who I may also claim, and is where Lake’s son, Gordon lo trains (with Duncan)
When I was with the LMK lineage, it was a fact, that I was advertised on LMK website with my examples, in fact above Bruce Cheng’s examples- Ask LMK if you are interested. I did not ask for LMK's higher ranking than Bruce Cheng.
Bruce taught me bar-jii, wrestling jujitsu, high kicks, tkd etc, but "will not qualify you in any of them "except in Bruce Cheng martial arts, which is not recognised in the world generally as a single style.
To do these different styles, and then not be qualified in any certain martial art style, maybe you waste your money as it was fact/custom for Bruce to also say you are not qualified in his martial arts anymore, -"if you leave his style for a month etc" , as you will have to start at the beginning again to re-rank and re-grade, as it was/is his custom.
I have also done JKD, Muay Thai Boxing, Karate, Kobujitsu, Long fist Kung Fu, Weapondary SLG, boxing, plus qualified with world Wing Chun council with Sifu Ron, and represented all of Oceania for them, and others etc. Bruce Cheng was not my first teacher.
I teach my first level WC a basic group of kicks so in the next level of Wing Chun, where the WC kicks are, you can practise seeing how Wing Chun works against these different kicking styles, while not being intimidated by others that do these kicks.
As for Victor‘s friend not learning inch power by me, obviously he was not in class those days. Why care about my teachings anyway- just jealous makes defamation nasties.
If Bruce Cheng's followers even think about it, there’s a reason why Bruce Cheng does not want to say anything at all.
Bruce uses victor/friends to do his bidding while staying away from the chop.
If victor was a real Sifu, you would not be paying Bruce Cheng royalties now 35% before tax and bills, as "a Sifu would be finished, and a man on his own 2 feet".
I have greatest respect for Anthony George, Ian Valie, Tim Clayton as good people. But as Victor may impress his five students here, understand you insult and enrage my hundred students, and, Kung Fu Sifu Brothers in Italy, Germany, Hong Kong, USA, Turkey, Australia, etc around the world,
and everyone in Ip Mans Sons lineages including the Sons, while also bringing insult to honourable LMKs reputation with your attacks.
No university teacher claims his students work after he’s qualified and left university 5 years later. I went to give and sign 3 times but police friends advise Bruce Cheng that a mafia take over does not work in NZ like it may in Taiwan.
As for Mr know all JKD/ Pan Nam, show me some skill on your website besides forms and you might be worth listening to. I show polite Blindfolded Sparring to give my students from different Martial arts a chance. Let’s see you do it blindfolded. I am in Hong Kong if you want to try me like many Sifus from around the world try and I am back in NZ next week for anyone else. For you guys, first you must sign my police waiver/disclaimer and I will get you an ambulance out of politeness in advance.
Bruce Lee was harassed by many people who, would have done better -" by being his friends,"(and his friends are now legends like Dan,Ed and some movie stars through association with Lee) but not many have learnt from this regardless of Bruce Lees or my basic respect or given friendship.
There’s only two types of fighters. 1st fighter starts war, rape, stealing trophies, and starts fire while -2nd fighter stops the war, stops rape, stops thieves stealing possessions and helps puts out his neighbours fires. If the 2nd fighter is TKD, WC, Thai Boxing, Karate, etc -it does not matter what style, as this 2nd style fighter is under the banner of "good" and not under the banner of evil destruction or defamation of others. Go do your own advertising and stop bringing disrespect to your teachers and friends. If people want to or not want to do a martial art depends on what suits them, not what suits the jealous nasties.
以下是代奧克蘭Tony Brooks師父所登的聲明:
這十五年來﹐無論我在任可地方做宣傳﹐當我不提及陳正信Bruce Cheng﹐他都會去侮辱及多次去損毀我的聲譽。
雖然本人於多年前已完成廬文錦系詠春及已被認可﹐但我從來不用廬文錦系的名義去教授詠春拳﹐因為我想將廬文錦系詠春留給陳正信Bruce Cheng。
由於陳正信Bruce Cheng和他的學生例如Victor﹐不斷地對我作出侮辱及損毀我的聲譽﹐所以由現在開始除葉問兩子外我亦會以廬文錦系詠春的名義去教拳。我的詠春拳已被廬文錦認可,及獲頒發一條中式印有金色字的帶﹐和我同時考到同一級數的有警察Ian Valy。如想查證可隨時聯絡Ian Valy師父。
陳正信Bruce Cheng極少會和人比武﹐因為連初學武術的新手亦能輕易將他擊敗。他一直鼓吹速度就是技術﹐有速度是好﹐但這並不是技術。
我從來沒有親身或在陳正信Bruce Cheng的網頁上見過他本人或他的學生閉目進行打鬥。
陳正信Bruce Cheng較早前被另一派詠春人仕挑戰﹐但在他交手後約十秒就叫停﹐這全因為他自知絕無機會取勝。
Victor﹐是陳正信Bruce Cheng的徒弟﹐他從陳正信Bruce Cheng手中得到的是一條像日本空手道模樣的黑帶﹐而並不是我從廬文錦手中得到的中式黑帶。而我從未與他或他的朋友見過面交過手。
廬文錦只從葉問處學到第一套拳小念頭﹐餘下的都由梁紹鴻Duncan Leung傳授﹐而廬文錦的兒子及我亦得到梁紹鴻親自傳授詠春。
當我還是廬文錦詠春一員時﹐廬文錦將我的影片放在他的網頁上作為示範例子﹐而不是陳正信Bruce Cheng的。如有興趣各位隨時可以向廬文錦本人查證﹐但我從未要求過廬文錦將我的地位放在陳正信Bruce Cheng之上。
陳正信Bruce Cheng教我八極拳﹐摔交﹐高踢﹐跆拳道等﹐但學完後世上隨了陳正信外並沒有人會承認你。
陳正信Bruce Cheng並不是我第一位老師﹐我曾學過多種武術﹐包括截拳道﹐泰拳﹐空手道﹐古武道﹐長拳﹐各種兵器﹐西洋拳﹐及詠春﹐亦同時被世界詠春總會肯定我的技述﹐該會前會長Ron Heimberger師父委派我做他們在大洋區的代表。
如果陳正信Bruce Cheng的人用腦去想一想﹐很容易會明白為何陳正信永不會親自出面去說這些誹謗的說話。陳正信Bruce Cheng利用他的學生例如Victor及朋友去做這些事以免自己惹上麻煩。
在我跟他學完拳後的五年內﹐陳正信Bruce Cheng亦試過以同樣手法去從我身上得到100%的益處﹐他要求教拳的收費全部歸他﹐另外我要自己去出錢租場地﹐和所有廣告費用。
我當時共妥協了三次﹐但後來有警察朋友們告訴陳正信Bruce Cheng,這些像黑社會那樣的恐嚇,在台灣也許有用,但是在紐西蘭是行不通的。
我對Anthony George,Ian Valie和Tim Clayton這幾個好人都是很尊敬的。陳正信Bruce Cheng和徒第Victor那些誹謗的行也許會令幾個人感到開心及滿意﹐但你們要記住你的攻擊及侮辱已激怒了我數百弟子,還有意大利,德國,香港,美國,土耳其,澳大利亞等來自世界各地的功夫師父同袍們,還有所有葉問的兩名兒子及兩葉系詠春的同們,你同時損害了廬文錦師父的高尚名節。
至於無所不知的截拳道師夫/及Auckland彭南詠春的人,如果你可以在你的網站上展示除了招式套 路之外的其他技能,也許會有人聽你的一套。我示範我的蒙眼搏擊來給我的學生學習的機會。你做給我看看!我現在身處香港。但是如果你想學世界各地其他師父那 樣來挑戰我,我下個星期就回紐西蘭去,你們到時可以試試。除非你們簽寫棄權書,否則,我會提前有禮貌地給你們預備定一輛救護車。
上文以英文版本為準。 |