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升级   50.34% - UID
- 42141
- 热情
- 12595
- 人气
- 15123
- 主题
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- 帖子
- 6785
- 精华
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- 积分
- 17517
- 阅读权限
- 30
- 注册时间
- 2005-7-4
Those are the psychometric test questions I got many years ago when I got my first formal interview.
Dave promised tomeet his sister at the airport at9:55am. The trip from Dave's house tothe airport always took 35minutes. Dave believed his watch was running20 minutes fast, but itwas really 15 minutes slow. To make sure hewould be on time, Dave lefthis house at exactly 9:40am by his watch.
What time was the airport clock showing when Dave arrived?
• 9:25am
• 9:40am
• 9:50am
• 10:10am
• 10:20am
• 10:30am
Read the passage then answer the question by clicking the checkbox next to the answer:
At 8am on Wednesday Matthew, based in Auckland,rangManuel in Valparaiso to place an order. At that time ValparaisoandPrague were 16 and 11 hours respectively behind Auckland. An hourafterreceiving Matthew's call Manuel faxed Ludwig in Praguerequestinginformation about the part that Matthew wanted. The call andthe faxwent through without delay.
What time and day was it in Prague when the fax arrived?
• 6am Wednesday
• 10pm Tuesday
• 12pm Tuesday
• 12am Tuesday
• 2am Wednesday
• None of the above
Read the passage then answer the question by clicking the checkbox next to the answer:
A puppy belonging to one of five childrenfollowedits owner to school. When asked who the puppy belonged to Johnsaid hehad a Spaniel with a blue collar. Karen said her puppy ate lotsand wasalways sleepy. Larry said his puppy was not black and was quitebig.Mary said hers was a girl puppy and had long hair. Natalie saidherpuppy was black and white with large droopy ears.
Who did the lively, brown, short-haired puppy with the red collar belong to?
• John
• Karen
• Larry
• Mary
• Natalie
• No conclusion possible
Read the passage then answer the question by clicking the checkbox next to the answer:
Seven friends were standing on a sports field.Bettywas south of Sally and east of Fred. Mark was west of John andsouth ofDave. Jim was west of Sally and north of Dave. Fred was west ofDaveand Betty. All the directions were directly north, south, east orwest(that is, not on a diagonal.)
Which statement is true?
• Sally is north of Mark
• Betty is north of Dave
• Mark is east of Sally
• Dave is east of Betty
• Mark is south of Fred
• John is south of Betty
Read the passage then answer the question by clicking the checkbox next to the answer:
An ancient language has been discoveredandtranslated. Review the following translations and use theinformationto complete the final translation:
Tanork chaleth ecachi gratial
[The King is owed one tenth of the harvest]
Tarrul ca rodule da n-rodulen ang
[One garden is tended by two gardeners]
Tzwork chaleth dachi n-chale ang
[The King is protected by twenty soldiers]
Tzwork rodule cachi n-chale ang
[One garden is protected by ten soldiers]
Tanork chale edachi ca rodule
• One gardener gives food to a soldier
• The King will protect the gardeners
• One soldier is owed a twentieth of a garden
• One garden feeds twenty soldiers
• One soldier is owed a tenth of a garden
• The soldiers help the gardeners
Read the passage then answer the question by clicking the checkbox next to the answer:
Donna is trying to organise for three lawyers tomeettogether for one hour on one morning of the coming week. Anna isfreefrom 8am-12pm Wednesday and Friday, 10am-12pm on Monday, 8am-10amonTuesday and for two hours on Thursday, 8am-9am and 11am-12pm. Billisaway in court all day Friday and has client meetings scheduledfrom9am-12pm on both Wednesday and Thursday. Cynthia has a projectmeetingevery morning from 8am-9am with the balance of Wednesday morningtakenup with a training workshop.
Which of the following times could they meet?
• 11am-12pm Friday
• 10am-11am Monday
• 8am-9am Thursday
• 10am-11am Tuesday
• 11am-12pm Wednesday
• It is not possible to meet
Question 26 of 30
Read the passage then answer the question by clicking the checkbox next to the answer:
In a small village there are three main families:TheBlocks, the Ells and the Farways. All Blocks are related to Ells.SomeFarways are related to Ells. Some Blocks are related to Farways.
Which of the following statements is true?
• All Ells are related to Blocks
• Some Ells are related to Blocks and Farways
• All Farways are related to Blocks
• No Ells are related to Farways
• All Blocks are related to Ells and Farways
• None of the statements are true
Question 30 of 30
Read the passage then answer the question by clicking the checkbox next to the answer:
Three acquaintances, each with a different job,livein different cities, Paris, Cairo and Ottawa. The veterinarianandBarbara are no longer married and have both moved away fromtheirformer home in Paris. The HR manager dislikes heat and elected nottolive in Cairo. Neither Andrew nor the doctor live in Europe andwhileChristine enjoys visiting the doctor, this is not in her nativeOttawa.
Which of the following statements is false?
• Barbara is a doctor
• The veterinarian lives in Cairo
• Barbara and Andrew were once married
• Christine lives in Paris
• The HR manager is not Andrew
• The doctor does not live in Ottawa
Ability measure (Section 3 of 4)
• This section contains 30 questions
• Each question is displayed on a separate page
• You may find it helpful to have a pen and paper available
• Please don’t click ‘Back’ to change a previous answer - only your first answer for each question is stored
• The length of time taken to answer each question will be recorded, however there is no time limit
Ability measure
Question 2 of 30
Click the checkboxes next to the two words which mean the SAME (or most nearly the same) as the word in capitals:
• dinner
• begin
• rocket
• cast
• jolt
Question 5 of 30
Click the checkboxes next to the two words which mean the SAME (or most nearly the same) as the word in capitals:
• illuminate
• instruct
• arrive
• complete
• return
Click the checkbox next to the word described by the phrase:
PAGE is to BOOK as SPOKE is to:
• words
• hub
• wheel
• tire
• speech
Ability measure
Question 9 of 30
Click the checkboxes next to the two words which mean the OPPOSITE (or most nearly the opposite) of the word in capitals:
• luscious
• verbose
• dry
• conquer
• master
Ability measure
Question 10 of 30
Click the checkbox next to the word described by the phrase:
• separate
• enjoin
• virtue
• feast
• forfeit
Ability measure
Question 12 of 30
Click the checkboxes next to the two words which mean the OPPOSITE (or most nearly the opposite) of the word in capitals:
• akin
• suitable
• unrelated
• proper
• foreign
Ability measure
Question 13 of 30
Click the checkbox next to the word described by the phrase:
• spelling
• races
• insects
• ethics
• time
Question 16 of 30
Click the checkboxes next to the two words which mean the OPPOSITE (or most nearly the opposite) of the word in capitals:
• relentless
• harsh
• sparing
• abject
• kind
Ability measure
Question 16 of 30
Click the checkboxes next to the two words which mean the OPPOSITE (or most nearly the opposite) of the word in capitals:
• relentless
• harsh
• sparing
• abject
• kind
Ability measure
Question 17 of 30
State the next number in the sequence:
• 1
• 1
• 2
• 6
• 24
• ?
Ability measure
Question 18 of 30
Click the checkbox next to the word described by the phrase:
CITY is to SUBURB as ARMY is to:
• warfare
• combat
• soldier
• battalion
• gun
Ability measure
Question 20 of 30
Click the checkbox next to the word described by the phrase:
• admissible
• yielding
• persistent
• unyielding
• disown
Ability measure
Question 21 of 30
Read the passage then answer the question by clicking the checkbox next to the answer:
Threegirls, Alice, Claire and Debbie play differentsports. Alice andheryounger sister Claire live just down the road fromthe girl whoplaysgolf. The girl who plays netball is older than thegirl who playstennis.
Which statement is true?
• Debbie plays tennis
• Claire plays netball
• Alice plays tennis
• Claire plays golf
• Claire plays tennis
• No conclusion possible
Ability measure
Question 27 of 30
Read the passage then answer the question by clicking the checkbox next to the answer:
Sally,David, Peter, Tim and Jim belong to a speakingclub that hasvery stricttraditions. When speeches are made the personwho has beena member forthe shortest time speaks first and so on to themember whohas beenthere the longest who speaks last. Jim has belongedto theclub fivetimes as long as Sally who has belonged a quarter of thetimethat Davidhas been a member. Peter has two years seniority overTimwho hasbelonged for half as long as David. All members havebelongedfor atleast one year and no two have belonged for the samelength oftime.
Who is the third person to speak?
• Sally
• David
• Jim
• Peter
• Tim |