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前言:最近看到不少人为这道题挣扎。其实这道题并不是十分地难,只要大家把Lecture notes 9,10,11再加上Lab7,8,9搞懂,这道题就不难做出。在这里我只想把我的思路写一下,让大家参考交流一下,但我不会把command打出来。因为我担心一旦放出来以后,许多人会做得一样,而导致Assignment1的后果,82%的人抄袭。 其次,老师也说过Problem2里不同的人用的方法也会不同,从而有不同的答案,如果大家都做的一样,结果会很惨。
Problem 2
The data set nyse has 189 monthly observations.
The variables are:
T = 1980.1 - 1995.09 (189 observations)
VOL = NYSE reported share volume - measured in millions of shares
SP500 = S&P's common stock price index - measured in dollars
TBILL = U.S. Treasury bills (3 month) - measured in %
LONG = U.S. Treasury bonds (10 + yrs) - measured in %
GDP = gross domestic product ($USBn)
CCONF = consumer confidence index - measured as 1985=100
CEXPECT = consumer expectations index - measured as 1985=100
CSENT = University of Michigan's index of consumer sentiment -
measured as Feb 1966=100
We are interested in developing an econometric model to explain the monthly volume of sales in the NYSE.
(1) What problems do you anticipate may occur in this data set?
(2) Estimate a model to explain the monthly sales. Report your model in tabular form.
(3) Discuss the problems you encountered, and how you attempted to fix them.
(4) Does your model make economic sense? Why or why not?
首先,由T,可以推断出这些数据是Time-series data,Lecture notes 9,10,11里说明了time-series data可能有serial correlation(Lec9),unit root(Lec10),cointegration(Lec11)等问题(当然,有可能出现其他的问题,但以上问题是主要的)。
当然,这些设想要通过Shazam数据证明才行,首先要确立问题中所有的Variables 是Time-series,确立的过程可参照Lab8和Lab9里的Tasks 1,2。其次,要确立这些Variables里哪些有Unit roots问题,哪些没有(用Dickey-Fuller Test)。此过程可参照Lab8里的Tasks3。
测验之后,有些Variables被测出有Unit roots,有些没有。有Unit roots的那些variables,还有可能出现cointegration的问题,这还是用Dickey-Fuller Test去测(参照Lab9 tasks 3)。如果有cointegration 问题,Differencing 有Unit root 的 Variables以后,用Error Correction Model去解决(参照Lab9,tasks 4,5,6,7),如果没有cointegraion问题,仍要Differencing 有Unit root 的 Variables,但要用其他的方法(比如ADL model,或直接用OLS model,这些方法可参照Lab8里的tasks 4,5及其他方法)。
得到Model以后,再用Durbin Watson Test (参照Lab7 tasks,第2点),看看serial correlation是否存在,如果存在serial correlation问题用Cochrane-Orcutt(参照Lab7,tasks 最后)或differecing解决,如果不存在,保留原来的model。
之后,用Hendry Method 和Wald Test来简化model就,可以得到最后的Model。
(最后一小题的economic sense,涉及到Portfolio Model,其中阐明VOL,应与SP500成正比,与government bond interest rate成反比,与share risk成反比)
[ 本帖最后由 rain198491 于 2005-10-23 07:40 编辑 ] |