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热搜: 移民 留学

留学新西兰 今日: 2|主题: 37686

作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[Unitec] 转让Bachelor of Nursing课本和6码uniform一件 attach_img 4Ds 2016-6-10 1396 roxanne_21 2016-6-10 22:16:10
[Unitec] 求ArchiCAD 家教,帮忙指导一个作业! happy^0^ 2016-6-6 3502 happy^0^ 2016-6-10 17:33:49
[Unitec] 学烘培之类的要去哪 rosee34 2016-5-29 0465 rosee34 2016-5-29 09:23:48
[Unitec] dipolma constriction 家教 or architectural 家教 Salon4auto 2015-9-9 4760 Salon4auto 2016-5-28 16:56:34
[Unitec] 全新Casio FC-100V 财务计算器 Beacher 2016-4-9 15645 Beacher 2016-5-24 13:30:29
[Unitec] 失物招领 tyq4590 2016-5-10 3685 nb0580 2016-5-18 21:34:38
[Unitec] accounting的毕业生来,求购上学期间一整套财务的书,GD优先 jolin0824 2016-5-18 0440 jolin0824 2016-5-18 21:13:43
[Unitec] Free Retail course Level 3 jeaklnny 2016-5-17 0753 jeaklnny 2016-5-17 16:43:03
[Unitec] 毕业证书 Uni-boatgroup 2016-5-10 0471 Uni-boatgroup 2016-5-10 19:09:45
[Unitec] 全新漫威双面书包 rosee34 2016-4-22 1385 rosee34 2016-4-24 09:38:45
[Unitec] 请教前辈们Landscape Architecture和Architecture 哪个会比较好就业? Timothly 2016-3-9 3894 scopio 2016-4-22 22:31:33
[Unitec] ACTY 6201/7201 会计课本 attach_img 两虎总督 2016-3-2 1452 xhcaxhd 2016-4-21 19:38:05
[Unitec] Advanced Financial Accounting attach_img 抹茶豆腐 2016-3-14 1418 抹茶豆腐 2016-4-9 11:15:41
[Unitec] Proof reading assignment for U sssssssssssssss 2016-4-7 0381 sssssssssssssss 2016-4-7 23:59:55
[Unitec] autoCAD software needed! sssssssssssssss 2016-3-23 0530 sssssssssssssss 2016-3-23 14:19:06
[Unitec] FREE Retail course. 免费零售学课程三月初开课 jeaklnny 2016-2-14 2616 king_of_cut_gir 2016-3-19 21:11:10
[Unitec] 求助。请问 有人在Unitec 学 Applied Interior Design 么 LBpower 2015-7-2 1570 爱上水煮鱼 2016-3-18 13:49:28
[Unitec] 有没有unitec小伙伴合租? wongzitying 2016-3-12 1535 kei 2016-3-12 21:38:48
[Unitec] 请教前辈网上怎么进入老师当天的讲义,谢谢 TAO 2016-3-1 2422 飞狗 2016-3-1 21:02:05
[Unitec] 卖二手level3语言书!!! sliver1106 2016-3-1 1424 sliver1106 2016-3-1 10:09:18
[Unitec] 法律书籍 抹茶豆腐 2016-2-29 11756 cruise 2016-2-29 12:10:12
[Unitec] 求书 Text BOOK!! unitec 专业master of business CLibby 2016-2-28 3497 CLibby 2016-2-29 10:53:42
[Unitec] 有读applied practice professional accounting吗 sssssssssssssss 2016-2-25 0372 sssssssssssssss 2016-2-25 15:50:08
[Unitec] 5320 Understanding commercial law 8th / 2015 New Zealand Commercial Legislation sdfgh 2015-7-29 1515 小浅眠 2016-2-24 15:20:21
[Unitec] 出售Understanding Commercial Law 5级法第八版textbook(最新版) attach_img Beacher 2015-7-13 3467 小浅眠 2016-2-24 15:15:06
[Unitec] unitec 有哪些短期课程可以学习?谢谢 爱上水煮鱼 2016-2-19 1757 lc0837 2016-2-19 07:53:42
[Unitec] 想认识一下今年2月24号开学的在UNTICE读书的朋友 Manica 2016-2-14 3542 Manica 2016-2-14 20:41:41
[Unitec] 希望能认识一些unitec的qs和cm的在读同学 q3367210 2015-10-22 4892 fox_will 2016-2-12 16:53:12
[Unitec] FREE Retail course. 免费零售学课程三月初开课 jeaklnny 2016-2-11 0550 jeaklnny 2016-2-11 19:34:19
[Unitec] FREE Retail course. 免费零售学课程三月初开课 jeaklnny 2016-2-10 0473 jeaklnny 2016-2-10 16:16:48
[Unitec] CFA LEVEL 1 2014 ALL SET Steven228103763 2016-1-21 14626 Steven228103763 2016-2-4 14:41:49
[Unitec] 有三月份念Human Biology 的童鞋吗? 晴空万里无云 2016-1-29 4524 lychee 2016-1-29 23:08:59
[Unitec] national diploma 和new Zealand diploma 区别??? nnew 2015-12-24 0759 nnew 2015-12-24 14:59:08
[Unitec] 会计专业,MPA专业,即将考CPA和CA的同学和从事会计行业的人士看过来!! applejoyous 2015-12-16 0707 applejoyous 2015-12-16 10:30:49
[Unitec] 请问有学过advance auditing的吗? sdfgh 2015-12-8 3442 alice_youran 2015-12-11 12:32:51
[Unitec] 会计diploma 如何在选暑期课程? chenchendf 2015-12-3 0407 chenchendf 2015-12-3 10:41:59
[Unitec] 朋友儿子高二毕业,想读个diploma: Architecture/Civic Engineering/QS 有什么区别吗? @派大星 2015-12-2 41146 sheravy 2015-12-2 14:44:46
[Unitec] 有需要会计专业的书的,看这里,,, miss.vv 2015-11-25 2472 miss.vv 2015-12-2 07:55:18
[Unitec] 请教关于预算quantity surveying luckycat1963 2014-11-15 71421 floating 2015-11-29 20:21:34
[Unitec] 找Unitec一起上Summer School的小伙伴 conniewanghao 2015-11-5 1534 miss.vv 2015-11-25 07:39:58
[Unitec] 提供IBL实习机会(学Business 的同学请进来) 阿辉 2015-11-23 2546 阿辉 2015-11-24 15:00:48
[Unitec] 请大家帮帮忙 出出主意面临着大学选择专业的问题 19811983 2015-11-2 5639 19811983 2015-11-14 22:42:41
[Unitec] 有unitec IT专业的学哥学姐吗 求教 小手冰冰凉 2014-11-6 4975 1ris 2015-11-13 14:36:01
[Unitec] Unitec 美女学霸 junjuntaijun 2014-3-16 92346 New_Zealand_NZ 2015-10-31 13:16:23
[Unitec] 我们提供 提供Marketing 和 business 的intership 实习机会 tommynewman 2015-10-29 0377 tommynewman 2015-10-29 09:19:51
[Unitec] .......................................... ciao_cestlavie 2015-8-8 7984 ciao_cestlavie 2015-10-26 13:35:12
[Unitec] unitec 有没有 建筑 builder 类的 微信群? Jackpot 2015-10-24 0789 Jackpot 2015-10-24 09:30:04
[Unitec] 雅思参考书:剑桥真题, 写作, 口语大全. YS08Yvonne 2015-10-10 0408 YS08Yvonne 2015-10-10 10:11:34
[Unitec] 有人曾经或在读construction management? 金门高梁 2015-1-26 6869 Mr、Aotearoa 2015-10-8 16:23:36
[Unitec] Free!! Retail course level 3 jeaklnny 2015-9-8 8622 king_of_cut_gir 2015-10-7 18:19:20
[Unitec] sold please delete freelight 2015-9-6 6546 可乐猫 2015-9-25 15:41:27
[Unitec] 求summer一起奋斗的小伙伴 miss.vv 2015-9-21 0411 miss.vv 2015-9-21 17:33:32
[Unitec] 大家好,我们是UNITEC建筑系的学生,我们需要您的帮助 海大富海公公 2015-9-17 61067 skysadness 2015-9-17 15:32:27
[Unitec] Unitec毕业典礼有卖UNITEC定制的毕业熊吗? 猫爱上鱼 2015-9-14 3802 最爱进度条 2015-9-14 15:01:25
[Unitec] 求购Diploma in Construction Management教科书和笔记 colaa 2015-8-27 0639 colaa 2015-8-27 22:13:42
[Unitec] SOLD PLEASE DELETE attach_img davis047 2015-8-26 2397 davis047 2015-8-27 10:44:07
[Unitec] 找伴!找伴!有人要读7月底开学的construction management? 雅祺 2015-7-4 221217 Jackpot 2015-8-23 16:32:33
[Unitec] 有没有7月份开学读Bachelor of Construction Economics的小伙伴啊! 西瓜源 2015-7-8 5626 卡门的晴天 2015-8-20 18:56:31
[Unitec] please delete freelight 2015-8-15 5413 freelight 2015-8-20 18:42:52
[Unitec] diplom construction managment Salon4auto 2015-8-19 1426 songinator 2015-8-19 17:16:43
[Unitec] 卖建筑模型 阳光100 2015-8-4 2438 皇家骑士 2015-8-4 20:34:10
[Unitec] IT 的BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE PATHWAY 专业就业如何? qqwqe 2015-4-9 2760 skysadness 2015-8-1 17:27:26
[Unitec] 想购买Mathematics for engineers 3rd edition Duomo 2015-7-29 2374 xiaodang1990 2015-7-30 22:10:11
[Unitec] 找学伴一起报名学习房地产经纪人 yfjcmhbn 2014-5-29 2695 williamcoco 2015-7-29 11:04:51
[Unitec] 明天就要交学费了,想问问UNITEC语言课程L4程度怎么样,怕跟不上 streamlu 2015-7-22 3782 doughnut 2015-7-22 19:53:26
[Unitec] 有谁熟练使用sketchup的?求家教,有偿! 雅祺 2015-7-21 0403 雅祺 2015-7-21 11:22:38
[Unitec] 会计专业,最新版课本出售。 attach_img 两虎总督 2015-7-18 0443 两虎总督 2015-7-18 21:27:57
[Unitec] 参加过IBL的童鞋们能给点建议吗? 两虎总督 2015-6-28 2396 两虎总督 2015-7-18 20:49:12
[Unitec] sold 许大爷 2015-7-15 0370 许大爷 2015-7-15 10:32:17
[Unitec] 寻找七月开学读architecture technology的同学 happy^0^ 2015-5-13 9838 happy^0^ 2015-7-14 01:22:51
[Unitec] 求教,本人想了解一下建筑类科目哪个更好找工作? listening 2015-1-5 1607 ywnzidane 2015-7-11 11:51:05
[Unitec] 5月27日下午new lynn有一个关于面向年轻人的讲座 stalker 2015-3-13 5598 king_of_cut_gir 2015-7-11 11:17:11
[Unitec] 会计专业课本出售 两虎总督 2015-6-28 0453 两虎总督 2015-6-28 12:25:24
[Unitec] ``````````````````` espanol 2015-6-20 0389 espanol 2015-6-20 12:23:14
[Unitec] Free retail course jeaklnny 2015-1-28 6688 king_of_cut_gir 2015-6-18 22:00:32
[Unitec] unitec real estate 右手边的透明 2015-2-17 7920 Katherine2494 2015-6-16 17:04:51
[Unitec] 免费Unitec零售学Level3课程,6月开课 jeaklnny 2015-5-26 3620 jeaklnny 2015-6-4 08:10:04
[Unitec] 华为《科技走进校园》,Unitec站招募开始! attach_img 天维活动 商业/机构认证 2015-5-29 02396 天维活动 2015-6-3 09:51:59
[Unitec] architecture专业中国学生互助学习 yan_sofia 2015-6-1 0567 yan_sofia 2015-6-1 12:39:50
[Unitec] 关于 master of business , 求经验分享 WayneHong 2014-4-8 3555 bobo0125 2015-5-25 18:18:22
[Unitec] 寻找一名会ARCHICAD的人辅导作业 sunny2289 2015-5-20 0372 sunny2289 2015-5-20 10:23:35
[Unitec] 有人学这个专业吗Diploma in Contemporary Photography 思贝儿 2015-5-1 0379 思贝儿 2015-5-1 20:16:38
[Unitec] 已出 zjn0913 2015-3-17 121291 liaoweiguang123 2015-4-17 21:44:11
[Unitec] 旅游签可以做学习的用吗? 倾国倾城 2015-4-14 2409 ABY留学移民 2015-4-15 11:33:10
[Unitec] delete pls 阿迪王 2015-3-26 2520 阿迪王 2015-4-12 12:21:51
[Unitec] 有在UNITEC 语言的小伙伴吗? yingzi5580 2014-10-19 10895 lisa-zhang 2015-4-6 16:17:55
[Unitec] 有没有童鞋感兴趣下周六工作 体验参与几万人的大型活动 Lighthouse_NZ 2015-3-13 1435 Lighthouse_NZ 2015-3-16 15:40:45
[Unitec] 大型Event 2015 Children's Day诚招One off helper!!! Lighthouse_NZ 2015-3-16 3406 cym 2015-3-16 10:46:20
[Unitec] 转让朋友留下的Level 7教材 guimin80 2015-3-5 3362 guimin80 2015-3-11 21:58:05
[Unitec] 免费retail课程level3于2月25日开课 jeaklnny 2015-1-23 8682 king_of_cut_gir 2015-3-8 18:53:45
[Unitec] 卖二手LEVEL 5语言课本! hardis 2015-3-2 0499 hardis 2015-3-2 15:24:42
[Unitec] 新西兰主流洋人食品超市招聘 civan 2015-2-22 0454 civan 2015-2-22 11:25:58
[Unitec] 有在Unitec学Civil Engineering Diploma的前辈吗 小象啊 2015-2-8 2929 nz大猫 2015-2-14 20:41:16
[Unitec] Unitec 英语语言 Lv3 入学考试,请教前辈 WayneHong 2014-3-27 6910 qwlhx 2015-2-11 18:09:05
[Unitec] 有没有明年读architecture technology的同学?或是已经毕业的? watsoever 2014-11-11 5827 lxy4953 2015-2-10 14:09:29
[Unitec] 请问大家知不知道哪里能复印书啊? characteristic 2015-1-30 11659 markee 2015-2-8 01:26:32
[Unitec] 求教,关于unitec的木工课程 hunhun 2015-1-13 71610 evajam 2015-2-5 17:44:50
[Unitec] Unitec读木工要面试什么问题? 你还好吗 2013-6-6 101396 kakasonic22 2015-2-4 20:55:46
[Unitec] Unitec的细木工怎样? twwqy 2015-1-22 0900 twwqy 2015-1-22 17:24:49
[Unitec] 出售accounting 课本 lgz12110991 2015-1-17 0353 lgz12110991 2015-1-17 22:36:08

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