超大靓房,5分钟可到Westgate商圈和16号高速口。四房加学习房(或5房);近新厨房,阳光好,花园大。 7 ~" m, ^# v3 J- B, w家具水电网络自理。邻居非常友善,是家庭整租的最好选择。 + l" D3 a" d* j/ y) Z/ [; ?4 R/ ?2月6日后可入住。房东直接出租,中介勿扰!- e" L: W* I8 p
预约时间看房! 9 d+ `9 w# N# k" s5 j - |6 j; X6 V8 o- C! g8 ?' D9 CHouse in West Harbour for rent. Very convenient location, close to Westgate Malls and easy access to Motorway. 4 Bedrooms with study with very nice kitchen. Large outdoor living space with great sunshine. Very kind neighbors. 5 n7 c) j# f2 {9 ~, n% BFurniture and utilities are not included. Can move in at anytime. ) \0 q8 r% f% w! x" X : n. b8 [# `7 i: `$ a: w& HMake an appointment to view on 0275575888.7 T" V3 `% X; Q) ?
% `2 `$ |; J6 G3 l3 `4 P4 }6 R4 k( r! e
( ], B2 O' Z, U" y* i5 j . w8 L8 R d- b! v2 ?) S 6 \/ G+ i4 {: t6 Y ) d* l, q, d: l