本帖最后由 赵钱孙李-wu 于 2021-7-22 10:33 编辑
【招聘】基督城市中心边缘餐饮业厨房 诚聘帮厨
年龄20-50之间、男士优先,要学习和重视食品安全,能承受重活,大型食品机械操作和清洗,负责且准时, 有商业厨房或食品工厂工作经验更好。平时工作包括机器搅拌面食,处理肉类,机器清洗组装,进出冷冻库整理库存,打扫卫生,团队合作。
要求持必须持有合法签证、诚实可靠动作麻利,态度端正,工资正常打税,时薪税前$20每小时起。中文工作环境,可能会有基本英文拼写。愿意长期工作的请发(中英文都可以)邮件到hello@eightgrains.co.nz 详细介绍自己的背景,和经验。居民或态度良好的优先。
Kitchen hand in a preparation kitchen located at Christchurch city centre
High level of hygiene and food safety knowledge Physically fit to lift heavy items Commercial machines operating and cleaning -noodles making machine, dumplings making machine, blender, dough mixer, etc Handling raw and cooked food - cut, marinate, cook, pack Stocktake for walk in fridge/ freezer Support the kitchen by keeping it clean and tidy, cleaning the kitchen’s surroundings including fridges, floors, shelves, taking out rubbish and washing. can put stock away when it arrives Previous experience in commercial kitchen/food produced warehouse Excellent communication skills and team work
Be honest, reliable, observant, and a quick learner to help coordinate prep with our kitchen, you will definitely need the ability to adapt. Be consistent in the work and quality of food and presentation.
Positive attitude to learn and take more responsibilities, be organised and work well in a team environment
Must be able to follow instructions and work with precision, organise day to day and follow ups.
Average 3-5 days per week, two shifts between 7am-8pm (depends on daily work demands) Applicants for this position will need NZ residency or a valid NZ work visa.
If you are reliable and keen to join our team, and you have the right to work in New Zealand please apply by attaching your cover letter and CV to directly to : hello@eightgrains.co.nz