本帖最后由 louis297 于 2020-9-2 23:52 编辑
这里是Louis,提供各种形式的家教服务。 Hi, this is Louis. I am providing different kinds of tutoring service.
自我介绍 – Self introduction生物信息学硕士,从小参加各种科目的竞赛,获得国家级(中国)奖项十余次,11岁取得计算机二级证书(C语言)。 Master of Bioinformatics. I have got several national awards(in China) in competitions in different subjects, with level 2 certification of NCRE (in C language) at age of 11.
部分获奖记录 – List of the awards (partial)小学 – 数学国2, 英语国1,书法国3(两次) 初中 – 生物国1, 英语国1 高中 – 化学国2(两次),信息国2(两次) Primary school – 2nd prize of Math, 1st prize of English, 3rd prize of calligraphy (twice) Junior middle school – 1st prize of Biology, 1st prize of English Senior middle school – 2nd prize of Chemistry(twice), 2nd prize of Information (twice)
教学服务 – Tutoring service科学 – 数理化 (小学->高中) 生物(小学->大学程度) 计算机与编程相关 – (入门->大学IT/CS专业) 语言 – 英语(可提供上述课程英语教学,或者纯语言教学) 法语(入门) Science – Math / Physics / Chemistry (Till Y13) / Biology(Till college level) Computer and programming – (beginner -> college IT / CSlevel) Language – English (All English tutoring available for the courses above, or language course only) French/Français (entry level)
特色 – Special service可以提供各种程度的奥赛辅导,以及专业的编程指导 Courses for different science Olympic competitions are provided, with professional programming coach.
其他 – Other可以提供数学专业级别的课业指导(由一位朋友进行,只能提供中文服务) Math course for university students (from one of my friends, only available in Chinese)
联系方式 – Contact电话 / Telephone / Whatsapp: 027 582 0333 微信 / WeChat: lllooouuuiiisss (可能会延迟回复,Sorry I am not monitoring WeChat in realtime)