本帖最后由 匿名 于 2019-7-29 15:52 编辑
匿名者 发表于 2019-7-29 15:40 
好惊奇,居然还有一家保险公司,可以给员工发固定工资?!!保险公司不都是自顾么?工资不都是commission b ...
The authority said Ms Churchill's evidence was unreliable on a number of occasions.
"I do not accept Ms Churchill's evidence that the May and July [employment] agreements are not authentic, she had never seen them, and it is not her signature on those agreements," wrote the Authority member, Anna Fitzgibbon in her decision.
"Ms Churchill attempted to persuade the Authority, without any basis for doing so, that the signatures on the May and July agreements were not hers and that her signature had been forged," Ms Fitzgibbon stated. "This is one of a number of occasions in which I find Ms Churchill's evidence to be unreliable."
这些才是重点! 你不要扰乱视听, 谁敢伪造文件, 你就不担心这个雇主伪造所有的保单客户的签字吗?