... tal-price-increases
Below Chase Property Management has used government bond lodgement statistics information to compare mean rent information gathered for the periods (1st-August-2014 to 31st-January-2015) vs (1st-August-2015 to 31st-January-2016). This information considers some the most common Auckland rentals by selecting only properties with high number of bonds lodged. The intention is to ascertain an approximate gauge of the increases in Auckland's rental pricing. We would normally include more property types and areas, but find that properties with fewer bonds show greater fluctuations, which can sensationalise the facts and figures. This information is published as entertainment and not to be relied upon, as it is the Landlord (or Property Manager's) role to ensure fair market rent is being charged in accordance with New Zealand Tenancy Law. Bond lodgement statistics are historical, and may not reflect the current market (i.e. rental statistics from August 2015, may not be equal to today's advertising price). Please read more below the image.
