本帖最后由 ma900612 于 2016-5-29 22:58 编辑
看到大家都在网上分享流水线,我也把自己的流水线发一下。 去年3月开始在这家公司上班,也是3月份拿到的一年open work visa。 到了十二月做了marketing coordinator,年薪四万五。 今年2月份开始同时申请工作签证和pr申请。在此建议大家最好在签证过期前提前一个半月就开始申请,像我虽然提前一个月,但是体检说是有点小问题,虽然不用复查,但还是等到了最后两天才拿到两年的签证。感觉为了让签证晚几天过期而拖到最后真的没有必要,毕竟如果没有新的签证再继续工作就是非法的,而且如果找律师去催新的签证又是各种律师费,十分得不偿失。
2015年12月,签了新合同,职位marketing coordinator,年薪45000。 2016年2月中旬,第一次找律师准备同时办理两年工作签证和Pr,工作签证申请费318,EOI申请费530。具体律师的要求如下:
In order to proceed with yourresidence application can you please provide me with: 1. a completedexpression of interest form; 2. application fee of$530; and 3. a letter fromemployer confirming that your Master degree in International business was a keycomponent in his decision to employ you and the relevance of the papers youhave completed. The letter should also confirm the date you started youremployment, the roles you have had and confirm that your employment ispermanent and ongoing. After your expression ofinterest has been selected and you are invited to apply for residence we willbe required to provide the additional documentation: 4. your birthcertificate listing both parents full names; 5. your passport 6. two passportphotographs 7. your original employmentagreement and job description 8. a full medical andchest x-ray certificate as your last one was completed in January 2013 and hasnow expired. Please note you will need to have this completed by one of the INZpanel doctors. Please DO NOT do this yet and await my furtherinstructions. 9. A Chinese policeclearance certificate (instructions attached). 10. Application fee of$2470 Work visa 1. A completedwork visa application form; 2. 2 passport sizedphotos 3. Your passport 4. Your originalqualification degree certificate and original academic transcript 5. A completed‘Employer supplementary form’ (attached’) 6. Your originalemployment agreement and job description 7. Application fee of$318.
2月16号收到律师通知说EOI第二天进行选取。其中学历两年怀大Master of Management,年龄26, 职位不到12个月的marketing coordinator。
3月7号被通知2月17号 的EOI选中了,交申请费2470,另外需要提交的材料是: 1. Application form 2. Application fee of $2470. 3. A completed “National Security check form”, (attached); 4. A new medical and x-ray certificate (if needed)
继续更新: 现在是5月6号,中午收到了两封邮件。第一封是给雇主的雇主调查信,第二封发给律师第一说分到了CO,第二封要求雇主提供yourIRD Summary of Earnings。都是说要在5月11号之前交给CO,于是我们果断在11号下午五点发了出去。
5月20号收到律师电话问我为啥没交个人的IRD Summary of Earnings,当天发出,5月23一大早收到律师邮件,状态改变已经Approval,坐等"approvalin principle" letter to be generated。