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升级   46% - UID
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- 注册时间
- 2010-11-27
Winston Peters 经常拿移民来开刷,所以看到他又在脸书上写什么移民把新西兰的房价提高,把新西兰的地都买光都不以为奇了。令我担忧的是下面的评论,看来有很多非亚裔的新西兰人对华人有很多的误解和偏见。
Peters 的原文是:
‘This Auckland billboard says it all. No one can deny that foreign buyers are buying up large in New Zealand, especially in Auckland.
The Government refuses to flick the switch off on immigration to bring some relief for Kiwis who are battling to buy in the overheated housing market.
Many Aucklanders have gone to auctions only to be out bid by overseas buyers, often ringing in by phone.
It's unfair. New Zealanders shouldn't have to compete in their own country, and miss out on owning a home because someone comes from overseas with more in their pockets, or with access to cheaper loans. ‘
配图是某个网站的广告牌,上面写着 ‘Reach over 2,000,000 Chinese property buyers.’
这个post有差不多1.3万个赞,1600+个分享, 1900+条评论。
• Virgilios Antonis Arvanites Pxxxxxx: ‘ Chinese influence will become a regret for all New Zealanders in the next decade. Mark my words.’
• Selina Dxx: ‘That's ok, Chinese immigrants will keep buying & then there'll be nothing left for kiwis. Before we know it we'll have an Asian pm & there'll be no turning back from there we'll be under same doctrine as Asia. Fingers crossed we won't need passports to travel there’
• Christophe Hxxxx: ‘Cull off or deport 200,000 Asians I herd the other day that they had now out numbered Maoris’ 不知道’cull’是什么意思的请查字典
• Harry Tavis Bxxxx: ‘Well my theory is they tried to take over the pacific during the Second World War and failed so they are now just going to populate the countries in the pacific until there is enough of them to run the government.’ 日本和中国傻傻分不清
• Ben Mxxxx : ‘ You said it, arent loans in china like 1.5% interest or something along those lines?’ 1.5%利息是真的吗?
• Shane Fxxxxxx :’Fuk the Chinese and the Asians!!’
• Lana Bxxxx : ‘Good lord NZ kick the buggers out!! It's meant to be home grown and green,these guys eat their bloody dogs, they have dog trucks yuck don't let them in!!!’
• Marion Wxxxxx :’typical of money hungry government, arse licking china - AGAIN! They use up everything in their own country then proceed to demolish the rest of the world. Like swarming locusts.’
• Jordan Sim-Sxxxx : ‘damn asians taking our jobs and our country’
• Robert Mcxxxxxx :’Mate I am not reading 300 odd posts. .but....I have said for years that you and only you should be the minister of immigration....these trade offs government has made with the likes of China for trade is hurting us big time...Winston for Minister of Immigration!!’
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