Dear LZ, somehow I lost my Chinese input keypad so cannot type Chinese. I am using work laptop now. So bear with me. I don't normally reply to threads but I really want to with your post as I really understand your feelings and where you come from.
I was in exactly the same situation. You could call me lucky as well, since graduation, got into a good company and progressed into management and earning ~3 times my hubby who is on approx. 50K. I never really kept my money away from family, it was always our money, in fact, all my money went to our joint account and he has some spare money. It doesn't mean I love him any less. I still love him, pretty much as I used to, but sometimes I do feel that we are in a different space. I feel like I have a lot of ambitions but he is just happy where he is, even he could do with a lot of improvement.
I think it might be a common problem for women who didn't really want to be the 'super woman'. Deeply down, I am still just that little girl, the little girl I want to rely on my hubby to make decisions.
My advice to you is that: don't give up easy, 10 years don't come by easy, having children together is also another responsibility. Your husband might want to improve too by working hard but he probably haven't had the same opportunity as you. Don't blame on him and just trying to work with him. Let him do some housework to start with. Try to give him a list of tasks to do during his time off. Or maybe you should take your kid out of day care during the days that your husband is off, so that they can have some quality time bonding without you. |