本帖最后由 xuvera 于 2012-3-16 12:06 编辑
针对新移民免费讲座-- 3月20日周二10-11am porirua—新西兰交规 3月29日周四5:30-7pm 惠灵顿—灾难应急讲座 【之后7点同一地点新中语协放映电影“霸王别姬”】 1. Are you new to New Zealand? If so, you are invited to hear Mark Kairua, Porirua City Council Road Safety Co-ordinator, present information on 'What's different about driving in New Zealand.' When: 10am to 11am, Tuesday 20th March Where: Whitireia Community Polytechnic, Lecture Theatre One (to the right of Entrance One, off Wineera Drive) There is no cost to attend. For more information contact the Settlement Support co-ordinator on 237 3578 or email ssnz@pcc.govt.nz 2. Wellington City Council’s Emergency Management Office (WEMO) will explain: • the most common hazards facing the region • easy ways to get prepared for an emergency • how to become a civil defence volunteer For more information and to register, phone 803 8330 or email settlementsupport@wcc.govt.nz 5.30–7pm, Thursday 29 March Korimako Room (Committee Room 2) Wellington City Council offices 101 Wakefield Street Light refreshments will be provided. Spaces are limited – please register by Tuesday 27 March. 3. 电影资讯在这 http://nzchinasociety.org.nz/9232/march-2012-chinese-film-%e4%b8%ad%e5%9b%bd%e7%94%b5%e5%bd%b1/ |