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- 2008-8-5
Review of CA and ACA College admission requirements
表格太大变形了,大家自己看吧,section 4 是 overall的,比较容易看。
The period ofconsultation on these proposals will be eight weeks.
Findings from this consultation with members,employers, tertiaryinstitutions, and the public, will be taken intoconsideration beforeproposals are finalised and approval is sought fromCouncil.
Subject to approval, it isanticipated that proposals will beimplemented from 1 January 2010, at theearliest, with tertiaryinstitutions and ABEL commencing work to implement theproposals fromJanuary 2009.
Transitionalarrangements will bedeveloped to provide a fair and enabling pathway forcandidates who havealready embarked upon a course of study towardsqualification as an ACAor CA.
看完全部谈下对于CA admin review 的感受
Tertiary part 可能只是改变study material,尤其是advanced finance, advanced auditing,会有更多international requirements to match IFRS & IAS
Practical requirements 没有变动
PCE1/2改了个名称,PCE1 加了 communication skills, prob. solving sills,可能会体现在小组presentation上,study material不会变。
PCE2 完全一样,只是把 professional skill 1 &2 融入到 4个study section里面了。
对于已经搞定PCE 1的就不用担心了,还在completing acadamicrequirement的选课要注意,Tertiary& ABEL 从2009年1月就要作出改动,所以要读advancedpaper的尽量选在明年,将要考PCE1的多注意政策变化,可能有neccessary pre-requisites |