本帖最后由 fzy5007 于 2023-8-22 14:15 编辑
朋友开我的车出去酒驾被警察逮捕了,然后我的车也被警察扣留了。但是警察没有给车辆被扣留的单据的副本, 问警察他居然也记不得车被拖哪儿去了。
我看关于NZTA的条例,这种情况下我是可以appeal要求释放我的车辆。You can appeal to the police on the following grounds for your vehicle to be released:
that the police officer who impounded the vehicle didn’t have the necessary legal grounds for it, or
that the officer didn’t give you the proper impounding notice, or
请问大律师如果要求向Commissioner of Police提起申诉, 我需要将statutory declaration寄到哪边去?
How can I make an appeal?As the registered person for the vehicle, you may appeal to the Commissioner of Police within 14 days. If that appeal is unsuccessful, you can appeal to a district court. If your appeal is successful, the vehicle will be returned. You don't have to pay the costs of the impoundment if it's shown that the police didn't have reasonable grounds to impound the vehicle or didn't follow the correct procedure. If the vehicle was stolen or converted, you don't have to pay the storage fee, but you must pay the towing fee.