中国申请人需要被调查背景, 要确定他们不是“间谍”, 而其他大多数国家的就不需要, 包括印度, 这是意识形态问题导致的。部长还不好意思回答呢。
National security checks can be required for a number of reasons and are carried out by the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service. But when asked specifically whether all Chinese applicants are subject to those checks, the minister refused to provide detail. “National security checks, these may be required from applicants for a number of reasons. The minister is unable to provide any further comment as information and statistics relating to national security checks are withheld under s6(a) of the Official Information Act 1982.” That section of the act states information may be refused if it is likely to “prejudice the security or defence of New Zealand or the international relations of the Government of New Zealand”. 。。。。