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升级   37.2% - UID
- 252925
- 热情
- 10743
- 人气
- 12778
- 主题
- 6
- 帖子
- 82
- 精华
- 2
- 积分
- 11860
- 阅读权限
- 30
- 注册时间
- 2010-8-27
请教一下大家关于申请residential parking permit的问题。
因为家门口的街道属于residential parking schemes,所以我尝试递交了residential parking permit (https://at.govt.nz/driving-parki ... al-parking-schemes/)。
我在申请中表示了家有一个off-street parking(家中有一个车库,但是两个车位已经被停满了,也没有其他的停车场地了),我还刻意在申请前打了电话咨询AT,被告知可以申请的回复后才递交的申请。
今天收到的邮件回复是:无论如何,只要有off-street parking就不能申请(见下)。请问各位有遇到过类似的情况吗?有什么建议我可以尝试的。难道被迫要把车停得离家远远的......
“Residential properties with off-street parking, regardless of the amount of spaces, or whether it is accessible to the applicant, are automatically excluded from being granted a parking exemption. Only those properties without off-street parking may apply to be assessed for eligibility. On this occasion as the property has a garage and off-street parking on site we are unable to accept the application for a ‘Resident Exempt’ parking permit.
Whilst we appreciate the comments included with your application regarding the parking situation at the property, this falls outside the criteria for which a parking permit can be issued”