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升级   0.01% - UID
- 280155
- 热情
- 102519
- 人气
- 126625
- 主题
- 1740
- 帖子
- 96446
- 精华
- 18
- 积分
- 164017
- 阅读权限
- 30
- 注册时间
- 2011-3-22
'Consumers, in my book, are being fleeced' - PM Jacinda Ardern on petrol prices
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced the Government will prioritise the passing of a commerce amendment bill, as she is concerned with the high price of petrol.
She said all stages of the bill will be completed by next week.
"Consumers, in my book, are being fleeced."
Ardern made the comments at her weekly post-Cabinet press conference this afternoon.
She pointed the finger at importers.
"Between 2008 and 2017, the margins importers were taking more than doubled."
She said the Government is "hugely concerned" about the sharp increases in petrol prices.
Between October 2017 and September this year, petrol prices have risen 39c, Ardern said just 6.9c of this was tax.
She said 9.8c of that was down to the margin from importers.
In fact, she said that pre-tax, "we have the highest cost for fuel in the OECD, some of that cannot be explained".
After the bill is passed, Ardern said there will be a one month transition period before the bill comes into force.
"As a moral stance, I think New Zealanders are paying too much for petrol."
She said the price of crude oil has risen 30 per cent this year but "this does not tell the full story."
National Leader Simon Bridges said households are now paying $200 a year more in petrol taxes than this time last year.
That figure is $324 for Auckland families, as a result of higher petrol prices and this Government's decision to hike fuel taxes.
"Since the election, petrol prices have increased by 42 cents a litre on average to record highs.
"That includes this month's 3.5 cent hike in excise, netting the Government about $123 million a year in extra revenue, plus the GST on the fuel price increase which amounts to $220 million a year at current prices – all additional costs paid by New Zealanders."
In December, Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods said she was in discussions with officials about how to have "fairness in fuel pricing", adding that the evidence suggested that customers were paying too much.
Parliament is currently considering a Bill which will amend the Commerce Act to enable the Commission to undertake market studies.
Once passed, Minister Woods has signalled that she intends to ask the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Kris Faafoi to request the Commission to conduct a market study into fuel markets to better understand how the market is functioning.