本帖最后由 coach 于 2017-7-23 11:15 编辑
在移民局的网站上看到要是买房就可以只住41天的移民监了,不知道我的理解对不对,请有经验的朋友帮忙看看解释一下,谢谢! 要是买房是夫妻联名的可以吗?还是必须是单名的
5. You have established a base in New ZealandYou have established your base in New Zealand by having: - lived in New Zealand as a resident for at least 41 days in the year before you applied for permanent residence
- and everyone else included in your residence application has been living in New Zealand for at least 184 days in the 2 years before you applied for permanent residence
You must also have either: - Purchased a home 12 months before or after becoming a resident, still own that home and live there now, or
- worked full-time in New Zealand for 9 months or more in the 2 years before you applied for permanent resident