本帖最后由 St_Rugby 于 2015-11-5 19:22 编辑
昨天晚上12点多 从健身房回家 开车开到New Lynn countdown 门口的十字路口的时候 看了一眼倒镜 突然看到一个黑影开大概八九十公里冲着我就过来了 没反应过来一下就被撞上了 脖子扭了一下
刚想下车 后面的车直接左转闯了两个红灯准备跑 我赶紧追一直追到Clark st 然后我就没敢继续闯红灯追他 后来回到撞车的位置 两个印度小哥 还有一个毛利大哥问我受没受伤 还告诉我是一辆丰田4x4 当时把我眼镜撞掉了 也没看清车牌号
赶紧下车报警 警察问了两句 说找到肇事车给我打电话 告诉我警察不会去现场 要是没找到司机让我周一去警局做笔录 我也想到了警察除了查酒驾屁用没有
开了三年的车彻底报废了 排气管子都撞掉了 玻璃也碎了 也是万幸 至少命保住了------------------------------------------------------------------------分割线---------------------------------------------------------------
后续故事简直无语了 周一去警察局 警察态度还不错 说尽力帮我看一看 后来就彻底失望以及绝望了
这是我和警察的对话 贴图太大 只能打字了。。。
警察:As below – Traffic light intersection cameras checked but they were unable to get registered number of the vehicle that hit your car.Unfortunately there is no further avenue for enquiry without a registration plate number.The report will be held on file pending any further information being received. (感觉此时就在扯犊子) 我:Thanks for checking the camera.Can I have the brand and the model of the car. I can try to find the car by myself if you guys won't do any further investigation.
警察:Hi Arthur – I have gone back to the camera monitoring again – I thought they covered the intersections around here but apparently not: Their reply below: Without ID of the vehicle plate we cannot take the matter further.
我:Thanks for doing that. So it seems the only chance to get the driver is trying to know the Plate number by coincidence. (看看警察啥态度) 警察:Arthur, I certainly sympathise with your situation but we have literally hundreds of reports to investigate each day. We are simply unable to check every dark coloured 4 wheel drive registered in NZ for damage to progress your investigation. (警察已经急眼了 意思就是去你妈的 我忙着查酒驾呢)
好想回一句: OK then,Fk that shit. 不过我怂了