本帖最后由 annie0002 于 2013-8-16 23:31 编辑
作者:包天瑜 年龄6岁, 小学二年级,家长:robertbao
1岁半的时候就被爸爸妈妈带回中国,直到快5岁要上小学才回到新西兰, 刚上学的时候不会写英文字母,不会说英文,但是她是个很开朗的小姑娘,很快就适应了英文的环境。
Today on Sunday night, I went to Anita's house to have dinner with Anita's family and I can play with her, but when I came in, I saw her friend Elaine who came too because her mum is working hard at her office work with a woman or gentleman, so Anita' mum needs to look after her. When it started to look a bit dark, Anita asked me if she can get a chocolate in my goody bag and she did get one from the bag she gave me, but not as she said, she ate two! As I was surprised about what Anita had done, I hardly remembered that Anita didn't ask her mum. I didn't tell Anita's mum or dad because I thought Anita mite hate me and then we went to draw but I wrote a long story as my friends drew a picture on their shiny white paper. One of my friends Anita drew a picture and a paper chain which is a crown with some prickly knife and one huge heart in the middle of the crown.
Then we went to Elaine' house and at their home we played find the hiding bricks but sometimes we need to give them clues to find the hiding bricks. And do you know who hide the bricks? it was Elaine. But when it was my turn Elaine peeped because she really wanted. So I said yes she can have a bit of peep but she peeped everywhere where I put the blocks. I could not believe what she just said but now she said she won't find the blocks, so my brother has to find all the blocks to save the game. Do you know what we eat at Elaine's home? We eat one ice block and one ice cream and they taste like big juicy chocolate favour .And you know what everyone thinks my story.it is excellent all because it is so longer than a big long tail which hangs on an elephant's big fat bum! When it was dark I had to go home, drive in the dark as we felt tired in the little BMW car, in which I want to go to sleep but I can't ,I don' t know why I can't go to sleep in the dark night so I have to be awake until I get home. When I get home I'll be able to go in the cosy comfy big bed to sleep really good.