Are you an international student? Auckland regional Migrant Services is starting acertificate course for international students -ARMS Certificate in Employment Search and Preparation to providerelevant information and practical strategies to assist international studentswishing to enter the New Zealand labour market. The Certificate content includes:
· effective job searchpreparation skills and knowledge · an understanding of the Kiwiworkplace · an understanding ofemployer/employee relationships · preparation of a ‘Kiwi’ style CV andcover letter · presentation and interviewingskills · access to the ‘hidden’ NZ labourmarket · communication and pronunciationskills The student focussed teaching methodology uses both instructive andinteractive learning methods. Students are expected to work bothindependently and cooperatively in groups. The Certificate consists of seven units delivered in 3 hour sessions.Four of the units are specifically designed to enhance the communication skillsof the students as they relate to job searching and employment.